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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资料 GMAT综合推理题型——图表解读题-智课教育 今天我们来认识几种图表解读题的新形势,相信通过老师的讲解大 家能够更快地认识这种题型该如何解答。 一、图表分析题的含义 图表解读题的提干中必然会出现一个图表,但是图表的形式是不限 的,各种各样的图表都有可能出现,下面我们就来看其中几个题型。 二、图表分析题的例题分析 1、例题一——散点图。 In Country X, a building is in Category A if it has a roof height of at least 350 meters. In the graph, each of the 22 Category A buildings is represented by two points arranged vertically: one representing the comparison of the height of the buildings roof to the number of floors (red circles), the other representing the comparison of the height of the buildings roof to the mean height per floor (black squares). Based on the given information, use the drop-down menus to most accurately complete the following statements about Category A buildings in Country X. A .The building with the greatest mean height per floor has a roof height between……meters. 选项:350-370 430-450 470-490 490-510 B. There is a ……correlation between the number of floors and the mean height per floor. 选项: strong positive negligible strong negative 分析:通过分析图表我们发现,红点代表的是number of floors( 可能代表楼层数量和楼层高度的关系),黑点代表的是楼层每一层的平均 高度。虽然这个图表是在一个坐标系中,但是图表左右两边却各有一个 纵坐标,左边的纵坐标是楼层数量,右遍的纵坐标是楼层平均高度,横 坐标是代表楼层的高度。这样我们就对图有了一个初步的认识。 题意:根据已经给出的信息,我们能推出下面哪一个选项是正确的 ? 问题一:最大的平均高度下,这栋楼的高度是多少? 分析:平均高度是图表右边的纵坐标,并且图中黑色的点代表平均 高度,问最大平均高度,应该是最上面的黑色点(如上图被黄色框圈住的 点),对应的横坐标的楼层的高度是350-370。正确答案为350-370。 问题二:在两个纵坐标之间有一个关系,the number of floors和the mean height per floor之间是什么关系? 分析:图片中,左侧开始红色点在上方,右侧红色点处在黑色点的 下方,呈下降趋势;而黑色的点正好相反,左侧开始黑色点在下方,右侧 黑色点处在黑色点的上方,呈上升趋势。所以,两种点代表的意思是反 比例关系。正确答案是strong negative。 2、例题二——折线图。 The graph depicts the per-person dietary intake of foods in 4 categories for the people of Nation X for the years 1909 through 2000. A decline in consumption in all 4 categories strongly suggests an overall food shortage rather than a simple change in dietary pattern. From each drop-down menu, select the option that creates the most accurate statement about food consumption in Nation X based on the information provided. A. The graph suggests that Nat


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