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智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料 GRE填空高频机经词汇和对应真题(三)-智课教育旗下 智课教育 同学们还在苦苦寻找GRE填空真题吗?大家是不是还在为GRE填空 解题发愁?今天小编给各位考生送来福利了,GRE 填空高频机经词汇和 对应真题可以作为大家的备考精品,希望对大家有帮助。 以下是的相关内容,小编分五部分为大家分别推出,首先来看第三 部分Practice Book GRE Paper-Based Revised General Test,希望对大家备考 GRE填空 有帮助。 Practice Book GRE Paper-Based Revised General Test 1-2 [#60] erstwhile forge precedence cunning elusive jettison tortuous polemic recrudescent happenstance pan dispel indebted acumen viable pristine nettle sparing hindrance untenable intelligible susceptible debase defamatory commonplace contemptuous parallel detachment insular posture prevarication beholden balloon irascible impenetrable malleable pugnacious banal beguile doctrinaire patent articulate prick salubrious impediment unpropitious calumnious discomfit mendacity shrewd discrepancy impudence compatible remedy discern resurgent fallible recapitulate check courteous 1. The detectives conviction that there were few inept crimes in her district led her to impute some degree of to every suspect she studied. (A) deceit (B) acumen (C) duplicity (D) shrewdness (E) evasiveness (F) equivocation 2. The recent publication of the painter Robert Motherwells substantial body of writing, as well as writings by fellow Expressionist Barnett Newman, (i) Ann Gibsons assertion that the Abstract Expressionists were reluctant to (ii) issues of artistic meaning in their work and suggests that this supposed reticence was perhaps more artistic (iii) than historical fact. Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii) (A) substantiates (D) forgo (G) conscience (B) undermines (E) articulate (H) focus (C) overlooks (F) conceal (I) posturing 3. The question of (i) _ in photography has lately become nontrivial. Prices for vintage prints (those made by a photographer soon after he or she made the negative) so drastically (ii) in the 1990s that one of these photographs might fetch a hundred times as much as a non-vintage print of the same image. It was perhaps only a matter of time before someone took advantage


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