Lepton flavor violating $Zto l_il_j$ in flavor-universal topcolor-assisted technicolor.pdf

Lepton flavor violating $Zto l_il_j$ in flavor-universal topcolor-assisted technicolor.pdf

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Lepton flavor violating $Zto l_il_j$ in flavor-universal topcolor-assisted technicolor

a r X i v : h e p - p h / 0 2 0 4 1 5 3 v 1 1 4 A p r 2 0 0 2 Lepton flavor violating Z → lilj in flavor-universal topcolor-assisted technicolor Chongxing Yue(a,b), Hong Lib, Yanming Zhangb, Yong Jiab a: CCAST(World Laboratory) P.O. BOX 8730. B.J. 100080P.R.China b: College of Physics and Information Engineering, Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453002. P.R.China ? ? ? (February 1, 2008) In the context of flavor-universal topcolor-assisted technicolor (TC2) models, we calculate the lepton flavor violating (LFV) Z → lilj decays. We find that the extra U(1) gauge boson Z ′ can give significant contributions to these LFV processes. With reasonable values of the parameters, the branching ratios of the processes Z → τμ and Z → τe can approach the experimental upper limits. The indirect bound on the process Z → μe can give a severe constraint on the flavor-universal TC2 models. ?This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(I9905004), the Excellent Youth Foundation of Henan Scientific Committee(9911), and Foundation of Henan Ed- ucational Committee. ?E-mail:cxyue@public.xxptt.ha.cn ?Mailing address 1 The high statistic results of the Superkamiokande(SK) atmospheric neutrino experiment [1] and the solar neutrino experiment [2] have made one to believe that neutrinos are massive and oscillate in flavor and are of interest in the lepton flavor violating (LFV) processes. Among them, the LFV Z decays, such as Z → τe, Z → τμ, and Z → μe are important for the search of neutrinos and the physics beyond the standard model(SM). The Giga Z option of the TESLA linear collider project will work at the Z resonance and increase the production rate of Z boson at resonance [3]. This force one to study the LFV Z decays more precisely. It is well known that the lepton numbers are automatically conserved and the tree level LFV Z decays are absent in the SM. Thus, one needs an extended theory to describe the LFV Z decays. The νSM [4], which takes neutrinos m


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