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Milf ord Pub lic Schoo ls Most Foran and Law students spent Febru- ary 21-25 in school, just like any other week. Thirty- five enviable students, however, spent that week in the beautiful and inspir- ing streets of Italy, France, and Monaco. The group, accompanied by Mrs. Uchaczyk and three other parent chaperones, walked throughout the streets of Verona, Padua, Venice, Florence, and Pisa in Italy along with Nice and Paris in France and finally Monaco. They visited the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the spot where Michelangelos David statue originally stood, the Louvre that safe- guards the Mona Lisa, the Roman Arena, and the Eif- fel Tower. Some students also took part in a celebra- tion called “Carnevale,” where locals celebrated by dressing in costumes and wearing masks. The group was guided by the kind Paola Roselli, who earned a de- gree in foreign languages and has previously traveled with several other groups throughout Europe. Paola and Mrs. Uchaczyk were spectacular in guiding the students on this trip. It was Mrs. U’s eighth time travel- ing to Italy and sixth travel- ing to France. After being in Europe for a week, it was obvious that everyone was going to learn some new words in Italian and French! French seemed to be a bit more difficult for students to catch on to, probably because the words were longer. Chris Hanna, senior, didn’t have a problem with speaking French thanks to the classes he has taken here at Foran. Students learned new French words such as “bonjour” meaning hello and “merci” meaning thank you. Some Italian words that were obtained in- cluded “ciao” meaning hello, “grazie” meaning thank you, and “prego” meaning you’re welcome. The group also tried new foods like crepes, escargot, and gelatos. Senior Madi- son Sparago even tried a “croque-monsieur” in France, which is a hot ham and cheese grilled sand- wich. “Though this sand- wich was made of ham and cheese, it tasted more un


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