Metal Bulletin Iron Ore Index.pdf

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Metal Bulletin Iron Ore Index

Metal Bulletin Iron Ore Index Methodology Usage Cameron Hunt Director – Metal Bulletin Index 1. Introduction to Metal Bulletin 2. MB Iron Ore Index – Calculation and Methodology 3. Use of the MB Iron Ore Index a) Physical Transactions b) Financial Transactions c) Advantages of MBIOI to steel mills 4. Consulting services in iron ore 5. Points to consider in iron ore pricing Introduction Contents ? Metal Bulletin is the established leader in metals and minerals reporting. We have been reporting on iron ore transactions since the first magazine was published in 1916, were instrumental in the development of the benchmark system, and have been tracking the Chinese iron ore spot market since its creation in 2004. ? Now Metal Bulletin is a global multi-media publisher, carrying over 700 prices on products in the steel, base metals and raw materials markets. Our sister publication AMM is the clear market leader in North America. Metal Bulletin has divisions which focus on publishing (MB, MBM, Industrial Minerals), consultancy and research (MBR), indices (MBIOI), events and reference books. ? Metal Bulletin is part of the Euromoney Institutional Investor family, which is itself majority owned by DMGT, a very large diversified media group with revenues in 2008 of £2.3billion and had more than 17,000 employees. Metal Bulletin Iron Ore Metal Bulletin – A crucial component of a global publishing group Metal Bulletin 100 years of metals reporting Iron ore reporting since 1916 First spot price reporting - 2003 First methodological Index AMM American Metals Market 125 year history Market recognised leader in scrap and steel prices Euromoney Institutional Investor Plc Listed on London Stock Exchange – 2008 revenues £332m, 2200 employees Leading publisher of financial journals inc Euromoney, Institutional Investor, and Latin Finance Main offices in London, New York, Montreal, Hong Kong, 50% revenues from emerging markets. MB / AMM Events 70 events pa in steel and c



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