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1FEATURES DESCRIPTION APPLICATIONS 8 1 4 5 RS D R LBK 7 6 CANH CANL 8 1 4 5 7 6 CANH CANL RS D EN R 8 1 4 5 RS D R AB 7 6 CANH CANL SN65HVD233 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM SN65HVD234 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM SN65HVD235 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM SN65HVD233 SN65HVD234 SN65HVD235 SLLS557F–NOVEMBER 2002–REVISED AUGUST 2008 3.3-V CAN TRANSCEIVERS 2? Bus-Pin Fault Protection Exceeds ±36 V ? Bus-Pin ESD Protection Exceeds 16-kV HBM The SN65HVD233, SN65HVD234, and SN65HVD235 are used in applications employing the controller area ? GIFT/ICT Compliant (SN65HVD234) network (CAN) serial communication physical layer in ? Compatible With ISO 11898 accordance with the ISO 11898 standard. As a CAN ? Signaling Rates(1) up to 1 Mbps transceiver, each provides transmit and receive capability between the differential CAN bus and a? Extended –7-V to 12-V Common-Mode Range CAN controller, with signaling rates up to 1 Mbps. ? High-Input Impedance Allows for 120 Nodes Designed for operation in especially harsh ? LVTTL I/Os Are 5-V Tolerant environments, the devices feature cross-wire, ? Adjustable Driver Transition Times for overvoltage and loss of ground protection to ±36 V, Improved Signal Quality with overtemperature protection and common-mode ? Unpowered Node Does Not Disturb the Bus transient protection of ±100 V. These devices operate over a –7-V to 12-V common-mode range with a ? Low-Current Standby Mode . . . 200-μA Typical maximum of 60 nodes on a bus. ? Low-Current Sleep Mode . . . 50-nA Typical (SN65HVD234) ? Thermal Shutdown Protection ? Power-Up/Down Glitch-Free Bus Inputs and Outputs – High Input Impedance With Low VCC – Monolithic Output During Power Cycling ? Loopback for Diagnostic Functions Available (SN65HVD233) ? Loopback for Autobaud Function Available (SN65HVD235) ? DeviceNet Vendor ID #806 (1) The signaling rate of a line is the number of voltage transitions that are made per second expressed in the units bps (bits per second). ? CAN Data Bus ? Industrial Automation – De


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