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The Prague School;Content;Intruduction;Chronicle of the Prague School; ;Characteristic; phonetics (语音学): Phonetics is interested in all the speech sounds used in all human languages, i.e. how they are produced, how they differ from each other, what phonetic features they possess, how they can be classified, etc. phonology (音系学): Phonology aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication. ;12.1.2 Phonology and Phonological Oppositions;distinctive features;In classifying distinctive features ,Trubetzkoy proposed three criteria:;Phonological oppositions ; Nine phonological oppositions of phonemes;;;;;Trubetzkoy s contributions to phonological theory ;12.1.3 Functional Sentence Perspective 功能句法观 Definition The functional point of view Communication Dynamism Degree of CD ;Definition of FSP;The functional point of view;The functional point of view;The functional point of view;The functional point of view;The functional point of view; Jan Firbas (1921—2000) Based on the fact that linguistic communication is not a static phenomenon, but a dynamic one , J.Firbas developed the notion of Communicative Dynamism (CD) Redefined theme and rheme according to the contribution of parts of the sentence to the (further) development of a conversation. ;Communicative Dynamism (CD) 交际动态 / 交际力;E.g. A: What about Peter? B: He has flown to Paris. “He” has the smallest contribution, so it carries the lowest degree of CD, but “to Paris” has the greatest contribution, so it carries the highest degree of CD. “has flown” is between “He” and “to Paris” . ;Factors affecting the distribution of the degrees of CD ;1. “Linear modification”(线性修饰) (which basically means word order) In a normal sentence, constituents take increasing degrees of CD, with the final element being the most important because it completes the communicative purpose of the sentence. By linear arrangement, the element closest


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