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移动式物料输送机设计说明书 学 院: 机械工程学院 专 业: 机械工程及自动化 姓 名: 顾晓晨 学 号: 070607210 移动式物料输送机设计 摘要 本次毕业设计是关于移动式物料输送机的设计。此输送机是一种摩擦驱动以连续方式运输物料的机械。它可以将物料从最初的供料点输送到最终的卸料点。它既可以进行碎散物料的输送,也可以进行成件物品的输送。所以此输送机广泛应用于现代化的各种工业企业中。它用于水平运输或倾斜运输。使用非常方便。本次毕业设计首先对输送机作了简单的概述;接着分析了带式输送机的选型原则及计算方法;然后根据这些设计准则与计算选型方法按照给定参数要求进行选型设计;接着对所选择的输送机各主要零部件进行了校核。普通型带式输送机由六个主要部件组成:传动装置,机尾和导回装置,中部机架,拉紧装置以及胶带。在胶带输送机的设计、制造以及应用方面,目前我国与国外先进水平相比仍有较大差距,国内在设计制造带式输送机过程中存在着很多不足。 关键词:带式输送机 选型设计 主要部件 Mobile conveyor design Abstract The design is a graduation project about Mobile material handling machines. This is a kind of friction drive conveyor transported the material in a continuous machine. It can feed the material from the initial point of delivery to the final discharge point . It can be the delivery of granular material can also be carried into the delivery of items. Therefore, this conveyor is widely used in various industrial enterprises in the modern. It is used to tilt the level of transport or transport. It uses very convenient. The graduation project first made a brief overview of the conveyor.Next, it is the principles about choose component parts of belt conveyor. After that the belt conveyor abase on the principle is designed. Then, it is checking computations about main component parts. The ordinary belt conveyor consists of six main parts: Drive Unit, Jib or Delivery End, Tail Ender Return End, Intermediate Structure, Loop Take-Up and Belt. At present, we still fall far short of abroad advanced technology in design, manufacture and using. There are a lot of wastes in the design of belt conveyor. Keyword: belt conveyor; Lectotype Design;main parts 目录 1.绪论 1 2. 带式输送机概述 2 3. 输送机的设计 3 3.1 移动式物料输送机主要部件的选用 3 3.1.1 输送带的选型 3 3.1.2 托辊的选型 3 3.2 移动式输送机主要参数的确定 4 3.2.1 输送机带速的确定 4 3.2.2 带宽的确定 4 3.2.3 电动机的选择 4 3.2.4 V带的设计 5 3.2.5减速器设计 7 4. 结论 24 5.参考文献 25 6.致谢 26 1.绪论 移动式物料输送机是连续运行的运输设备,在冶金、采矿、动力、建材等重工业部门及交通运输部门


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