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北航《外贸英语对话》在线作业一 一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. W hv th plsur in _____ your lttr o Nov. 11, in whih you inorm us tht you r stisi with our mn’s shirts, shipp pr S. S.“st Win”. . mitting . knowlging . pting . justing 正确答案: 2. mstrm is on o th port itis o______. . Grmny . ngln . rn . uth 正确答案: 3. Normlly, pking hrg is () in th ontrt pri. . hl . put . pik . inlu 正确答案: 4. Th two inustris moy oth import n xport ______ singl trnstion. Th purpos o importtion is to rt xporttion. . in . t . or . o 正确答案: 5. W sinrly hop th qulity r ( ) th ontrt stipultions. . in onormity with . lik . s . s to 正确答案: 6. wht is th mning o 优先报盘 ?( ) . prrntil or . irst or . on or . prr or 正确答案: 7. hin__import ptrolum or lirtion. . us to . us to . using to . us to 正确答案: 8. Th rts quot y us r vry mort. O ours, th prmium vris ( )th rng o insurn. . in . o . to . with 正确答案: 9. Our pymnt trms r _____, irrvol lttr o rit or th ull invoi vlu. . onirm . omin . ommitt . omplt 正确答案: 10. lthough thr n __ in tlgrm n ls, sntns r otn rokn up with th wor STOP. . stops . ull stop . ull stops . ulling stop 正确答案: 11. Its rlly somthing wrong () th qulity o this onsignmnt o iyls. . with . to . o . on 正确答案: 12. Im ri I ont in your pri ( )t ll. . goo . right . wll . omptitiv 正确答案: 13. Th ustoms my withhol th goos onnt with th smuggling ss. Th wor withhol hs th similr mning o th ollowing wors xpt_____ . . kp k . tin . rus to giv . run 正确答案: 14. W r sorry to inorm you tht th shipmnt is not _______th stnr stipult in th ontrt. . into . up to . oring to . inst o 正确答案: 15. W pl this orr _______ th unrstning tht th isount is 10% . s on . with . on . through 正确答案: 16. Hvy nquiris ( ) th qulity o our prouts. . witnss . look . s . wth 正确答案: 17. W r gl to sn you this introutory lttr, hoping tht it will th prlu ______mutully niil rltions twn us. . or . to . on . in 正确答案: 18. Th wors tlgrm n tlgrph r usully ssoit with __ ommunition. . intr . intrnlly . innr . intrnl 正确答案: 19. W hv opn n L/__th Mhinry orportion. .


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