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西南交《大学英语Ⅳ》在线作业二 一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. On rson is tht nks must ________ ustomrs, who will swith to nothr nk i thy r not stisi. . ompt or . ompt ginst . ompt with . ompt in 正确答案: 2. Showing som sns o humor n n tiv wy to _________ som strssul sitution . l with . l in . l out . l o 正确答案: 3. vrything I’v sri wnt wrong. ____________, th whol ir ws isstr. . In kin . In ll . In short . In gnrl 正确答案: 4. It is ix ________ t svn tomorrow morning. . i w’ll strt out . tht w’ll strt out . whn w’ll strt out . r w going to strt out 正确答案: 5. Sh is rgr s ______ thr. . rsptiv . rsptl . rsptul . rspting 正确答案: 6. It is unrstoo tht th ilming o Lgns is lmost omplt n th ilm is not ____________ to ly. . possil . likly . sy . vill 正确答案: 7. Mor quikly thn nyon oul hv imgin, st Grmny is ing ____________ in th Wstrn mrkt onomy. . sor . opt . ught . hrm 正确答案: 8. Th pln is _________ my i. . in trms o . in lin or . in lin with . with rgr to 正确答案: 9. My trousrs ______ whn I tri to jump ovr th n. . rk . split . rok . urst 正确答案: 10. _________ sh is, sh ts lik grown-up. . hil s . Though hil . hil s . hil though 正确答案: 11. H soon riv promotion, or his supriors rliz tht h ws mn o onsirl ____. . ility . utur . possiility . opportunity 正确答案: 12. ootstps ______ his rturn. . pronoun . lr . lim . nnoun 正确答案: 13. In no ountry ____________ ritin, it hs n si, n on xprin our ssons in th ours o singl y. . othr thn . mor thn . ttr thn . rthr thn 正确答案: 14. Thr is lwys ______ or improvmnt no mttr how muh you hv lry on. . pl . r . room . sp 正确答案: 15. My rothr’s plns r vry ; h wnts to mstr nglish, rnh n Spnish or h is sixtn. . unnt . mitious . ritrry . ggrssiv 正确答案: 16. Tom ttn th mting ______ his ompny. . on hl . on hl o . on th hl . on th hl o 正确答案: 17. You n go out, ____________ you promis to k or 11 o’lok. . s r s . s long s . s wll s . s soon s 正确答案: 18. H gv _________ to hnl th irs in rinly mnnr. . plg . mission . plung . motion 正确答案: 19. y ________ is importnt us wrong on m


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