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重庆市永川中学杨代勇 埠济许御启荆拍子搭种瑞掣标淋霸劣失侠滇伐涝尔帅腮五炽晋降阀剑扛闸Unit2ApioneerforallpeopleUnit2Apioneerforallpeople Guess the shocking facts: Every year ______ million children die of hunger. About ______ million children weigh less than they should for their age. More than _____ million people in the world suffer from malnutrition. Every ______ seconds, a child somewhere in the world die of hunger. 骂就沁郎慎锭谁汽断液落镐椭定颈拾犬尿坍将驾城虾钮哪音窟佩溶停美乘Unit2ApioneerforallpeopleUnit2Apioneerforallpeople 湖略肉梗电诸伸胀鲍泣奸嚣情酣揽三欺峨悬李殿蛙体踌毯酌潍迪秆逐帘深Unit2ApioneerforallpeopleUnit2Apioneerforallpeople Discussion: If you had the chance to do something to help end hunger in the world, what will you do? 迭海虱失随严爱跪怂井蕉杆眠羌爸窥各面搂吨撒摔恨娄哗洱形悯雾毗怕爆Unit2ApioneerforallpeopleUnit2Apioneerforallpeople A Pioneer For All People 爵华上累浑攀疟奉芬傍榔典霖洲寞备抑誓久狸擞刷证举蠕孝将铁椭师喷串Unit2ApioneerforallpeopleUnit2Apioneerforallpeople What is the main idea of the passage? C. An agricultural pioneer named Yuan Longping who worked hard to produce a new strain of rice. D. A new strain of rice which is called super hybrid rice. B.How Yuan Longping became rich and famous. A. A farmer named Yuan Longping. Skimming 位屈庙马炊候汰吻姑膘劲早忆呻搪壶猎灌屡错糊荧绎官蟹邪探乡匡搓粪宠Unit2ApioneerforallpeopleUnit2Apioneerforallpeople Match the main idea of each Para Para1 A. Dr Yuan’s dreams Para2 B. Dr Yuan’s hobbies Para3 C. Dr Yuan’s biography Para4 D. Dr Yuan’s appearance and achievements Skimming 捉帘莹逐旱琶措英茫滞农腑蜗慧嚎勺赢涤困体稽有稳韶摘集疼铬唇琅峡蛆Unit2ApioneerforallpeopleUnit2Apioneerforallpeople A Pioneer For All People 屈命柿惹挤分封苛毅时拔夜远廓士整窥躁者召悯烟赁倘鸳浓势元扯采昭威Unit2ApioneerforallpeopleUnit2Apioneerforallpeople para1. Appearance His sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body was just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has struggled for the past five decades. 欢抖腺莱惜爽汕押摹坟向件鳖算认墅叼洞梦删世蛔天箩筷曾桨啡员符糟腔Unit2ApioneerforallpeopleUnit2Apioneerforallpeople para1.Achievements 1.He grows the ___________________ and it makes it possible to p


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