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6 Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right. 掩先酸鼠豆拱蓟懈凹豫承妓阔深木函赐爪灼指兄田标端俘淬讨塘祭自诧攫The_London_Eye_is_on_your_rightThe_London_Eye_is_on_your_right Paul: Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood? Nancy: Yes, there is. Just go straight and turn left. It’s down Bridge Street on the right. It’s next to a supermarket. Paul: Thank you very much. Nancy: You’re welcome. Read and find Paul and Nancy in the picture. Warming up 哀诧婚嘿竭挂贤儡直梢冈劣无洼滥伏夫腰途渡萄睛讲棚章润革商裳曹佰耳The_London_Eye_is_on_your_rightThe_London_Eye_is_on_your_right 1. Is there a pay phone in the neighborhood? Yes, there is. Go straight down New Street and turn right. There is a pay phone on the right. 鹿进缮暂按嗅纺缸傣苔慰温该降褂扩饺迁亿沸慢摇苞桓枷奴垣樊命毯赤客The_London_Eye_is_on_your_rightThe_London_Eye_is_on_your_right 2.Where is the bank? Go straight down New Street and turn right. Turn left at Bridge Street. The bank is across from the street. 襄借犀滔檀汝灵胶敞早敖范故囚曾狸瞧讣妊虏悉库钠体墒丁无孪奴帕蓬顷The_London_Eye_is_on_your_rightThe_London_Eye_is_on_your_right Complete the conversation . A: Excuse me, can you tell me the way ___ the museum, please? B: Yes, it’s near the station. You go ______ this street to the end. Then _______ left, go _______ the bridge and the museum is _____ your right. A: Thanks a lot. B: ______________. to along turn across on You’re welcome 项袱匹首儒贮晕填婉禾稳傍珍拖撰生邻葬忿敦腺郡讼铅裤揉骗澳泻答及切The_London_Eye_is_on_your_rightThe_London_Eye_is_on_your_right /tu?/ /skwε?/ /mIdl/ /feIm?s/ /peIntI?/ /fr?m, fr?m/ /mi:t? / /?b?v/ 参观,旅行 n. tour 广场 n. square 中间,中等的 n. adj. famous 著名的 adj. from 油画 n. middle 从…出发 prep. painting 米 n. metre Words and expressions 在…之上 prep. above 场偶牵嫂肃拾饼顾滇澈柠拷且峪瓶慧绑粥旨妹逞尊埋筋稗腾部撰榷甩碘琶The_London_Eye_is_on_your_rightThe_London_Eye_is_on_your_right /rIv?/ /klI?/ /brId?/ /reIlweI/ /pɑ:st/ /t??:t?/ /fInI? / 河;江 n. river (天气)晴朗的 adj. clear 桥 n. railway 铁路 n. church 路过;越过 prep. bridge 教堂 n. past 结束;完成 v. finish 骏动敝蔑稿贰滋彦乏怎冗凄语插热概鬃那瞬纤扼懒谍淡葵药羡武梦翰拈龟The_London_Eye_is_on_your_rightThe


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