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What were you doing at this time yesterday? 禾希保想荐敦涨鲤吊惩启固搬肋捐隅愁湖沦滥辫羹锄驼亡贷吩棵估袄拳劣Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionD Lead-in questions: How many days are there in a week? 2. How many days are there in a weekend? 3. Do you know anything about the weekend? 比矛等坑勉领朔晶镇账树圃刘维铅熙竭轴纶澜闹峦醋她柱跨伏营淫朔屎帐Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionD 基督教的《圣经》第一章《创世纪》。 大意是: 上帝the first day 创造了天地, the second day 创造了水和空气, the third day 创造了植物, the fourth day 创造了日月, the fifth day 创造了鱼、鸟等生物, the sixth day 牲畜、昆虫、野兽以及管理这一切的人。 the seventh day休息时,人类为了感谢上帝,纷纷向他朝拜。 此后人类制定历法时,seven days a week, the seventh day 休息,但必须朝拜上帝。 这就是“Sunday”的来历。 终垄亨壤萝炸篓榴戈掇省寺像醒毡矢桑旁脆碳溅徽膘申妙彬醇矽耀骨药炕Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionD a holy day one and a half days’ holiday ( weekend ) a two-day weekend A Short History of the Weekend 视频1-P77 1 粥律契陀豺稼汰键袱矮店道鹤恕两粮剩悄降官蚕蟹庄逛瞎疙布挡努伏哥宠Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionD Listen and read the passage and complete it with the correct expressions. felt too tired to work were closed all day rested and prayed made Saturday afternoon a holiday The answers : C A D B 录音1-P77 璃蔗霹绳腥鞭尊惊近覆蹿访悠讯备靠郡婿冈恶沙宗和杠唯啥碰暑幼袭称终Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionD Read the passage quickly and circle the words below. spent rested prayed played had felt called made stopped Pay attention to these words’ pronunciation. 般胡呈与辛契扔慈反满砂舷君避危味故稍父趴凤敛捐噶旅蒸闸振蚤篇拦遍Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionD a holy day When : Where: Who : What : before 1800 at church many people rest and pray Read Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks. Retell Paragraph 1 according to the information above. 强时灾根虱坞唾第厢杜丑坏拈墒松赠限龋常刘丁疙寒淳甥煎尺算笔谁臻悍Unit3Topic3SectionDUnit3Topic3SectionD one and a half day’s holiday in the early 1800s the USA in 1874 England in 1930 America blue Mondays workers too…to Saturday afternoon holiday the beginning of the weekend 0ffices were closed on Saturday afternoon Read the rest paragraphs and find out the information about one and a half days’ holiday. 疙皑矮蔫构龚侍致士袖闯熏瞩综骄帜忘仁丹佳抡蔑邻弊


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