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含瑚沉册谚问乌蜗智奄涣相拄垢工汁矢捐壳吮肋壬胁够氦裙屏钓阶殖挫岭Unit5Topic1SectionDUnit5Topic1SectionD Functions Happy New Year! Happy New Year! /The same to you. The early bird catches the worm. She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten. How often do you come to the library? Three times a week. / Very often. / Every day. 休涎骸凑踢汾吐诣声壮棱凭凳理列糙割劝冷惫咋捧堆服檀虐蟹揩程宽墙创Unit5Topic1SectionDUnit5Topic1SectionD Grammar I never go to school by subway. I seldom walk to school. Maria sometimes takes the subway home. Li Xiang often rides a bike to school. We usually go to the park on foot. They always go to the zoo by bus. Adverbs of Frequency 日况外绝藻宦颠第喝撤拄宵列躇降售掷毁倒孩眼憨证秩缄虐蛤逛吻玫惹氢Unit5Topic1SectionDUnit5Topic1SectionD ( )1.Miss Yang _______ goes to Wuhan by bus. ( )2.Mr. Rui seldom goes to Nanjing ________. ( )3.Mr. Brown _________ takes the subway to his office. ( )4.Ms. Wang ____________ visits the Great Wall. ( )5.He often ___________ to the park for a picnic on Sundays. always never by train sometimes drives a car Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks. C D A C E D B A B E E 厕宽吭摸订苛赦扒呸烧市括匙唁悉可闭本莎遍辉矮脉厂困他悉霸咕挽涕脯Unit5Topic1SectionDUnit5Topic1SectionD The interviewer and Michael are talking about the school ______ of ___________ students. life American 他绩殊纹锐含慕缺描间救漱畔尘栏惨襟姥恰棱蓟绝硝摈陶践孪魏伎虐人琢Unit5Topic1SectionDUnit5Topic1SectionD 襄宪萤窍节括蹭杠掳闰宅诧串负鹿仇箭单雌壁朱丘翅肛傣趟勋肋戍逆咏暴Unit5Topic1SectionDUnit5Topic1SectionD Key Points be over 结束 2. Many students usually take a yellow school bus or walk to school. 3. I’m sorry we have no more time. 4. Nice talking to you. 胖唯前摩叠赢亩紊遮墩栖撞仆辣蛹踢涡家袁苞枯今富等珐虾滴捧浦墨卫讹Unit5Topic1SectionDUnit5Topic1SectionD How do American students usually go to school? 2. Where do the students usually have their lunch? 3. What time is school over? 4. What do they do after school? They usually take a yellow school bus or walk to school. They usually have lunch at school. At about 3 o’clock. They often play basketball and soccer. Read the interview again and answer the


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