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冰靡鹊勇戳宗再炭矛尖丢腻橇栖显师磅豹蚕淌亨札健你怨酒音氟灵蘸屎谱Unit5Topic2SectionCUnit5Topic2SectionC in the library on the playground in the computer room in the dining hall in the teachers’ office in the swimming pool 在图书馆 在操场上 在电脑室 在食堂 在办公室 在游泳池 锁散琴糊荔料费孔叙萄豆番台始剖稀忱磺垦到芭坐骡西柯骂痞廊托幌整傈Unit5Topic2SectionCUnit5Topic2SectionC What are they doing now? They are playing ping-pong. What is he doing? He is sitting and watching. 橙狂更附糖年淮剩煎猿做陇阵黍篙兢帧婴减饲懂串炮狄液兜捕篆致樟祭厂Unit5Topic2SectionCUnit5Topic2SectionC write a letter A: B: What is she doing? She is writing a letter. 参泻价躺毙憋丫木彤谤庐租扮锄致搭播偿向付歧吩矾晦眼劝籍泅抹褐砰箩Unit5Topic2SectionCUnit5Topic2SectionC What are they doing now? They are playing soccer. They are having a soccer game. A: B: 康想杆尿贞夸稚乞氯戳往啮敛沏溶岁幌饵拘僚崇赣误乍牌船尸仗腆饯皂航Unit5Topic2SectionCUnit5Topic2SectionC have lessons A: B: What are they doing? They are having lessons. 弛撂蛔铭奏湖厅抵刮返闹窗柒何镀眉明怜廖嚣颖碟淫湾烷猩嗓幸没宰饥献Unit5Topic2SectionCUnit5Topic2SectionC 1a. Look at the pictures and describe what the students are doing. Some students are playing basketball. Some students are having a soccer game. A few students are running around the playground. ... 果撵毗电朔祭涟悔钟湍铅仕戴石谴审空迢六锋丧团掏晨缀砷喝装鸡粟近锻Unit5Topic2SectionCUnit5Topic2SectionC 插入新教材P13 1a 图 2 The girls over there are dancing. Three students are swimming in the swimming pool. Helen and Ann are playing ping-pong. 1a. Look at the pictures and describe what the students are doing. 仁煮僚贰舰驮己洼蚜芳球塞圃饶鹤肋庸匣牡邑篡凉松遥渐晓向渔妖减响舞Unit5Topic2SectionCUnit5Topic2SectionC Kangkang is reading English newspapers. Michael is doing his homework. Wang Wei is writing a letter. Sally is cleaning the blackboard at the back of the classroom. 1a. Look at the pictures and describe what the students are doing. Jane and Maria are talking. 权师盟第仑氟谅画俗贝锨尧兢乱渣薪疫少坞朋员糯所纪税复斡执皋怂字讼Unit5Topic2SectionCUnit5Topic2SectionC Listen and repeat. 噪奏甫劝倚止燎档稽躲慌僵窝犀环熬辨塔桨疾炭葛屯主劈叹奎窖脉帚何于Unit5Topic2SectionCUnit5Topic2SectionC Underline the structure be + v.-ing in 1a and read the sentences aloud. Examp


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