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Unit 6 Teaching Resources(教学资源) 一、知识图解 在阳光下读书read in the sun 买垃圾食品buy junk food 看电视太多watch too much TV 上课说话talk in class 向右拐turn right 不许停车 No parking 禁止卡车通行 No trucks 禁止三轮车通行 No tricycles 禁止鸣笛No whistles 禁止公共汽车通行 No buses 禁止吸烟No smoking 二、背景阅读 Background readings 1. Classes in America Everyone should think by himself. In America, class is easy and fun. In class, the teacher is not very strict. Students can sit on chairs, on desks, and on the floor. The teacher often praises students when they do something well, even it is very small. The teacher wants students to be creative, too. When students do their homework, they dont need to read textbooks. They go to the library. There they look for many books. They read them and have their own ideas. On the wall of the school, there are many pictures. They are pictures of good students and some big men from the school. Students like them and learn from them. 2. Is watching TV good or bad? I think it’s difficult to answer the question “Is watching TV good or bad?” Different people may have different opinions TV is an important invention. It can tell us what is happening in the world. If you want to know what life is under the sea, just turn on your TV. If you don’t know how to keep healthy, what the weather is like or how to cook delicious food, watch TV and you’ll know. So TV can open our minds. It can also bring us a lot of new information. But the problem is that you can’t always watch TV. You have to work, study and rest. Too much TV is bad for our eyes. It also takes us time. TV programs are different and they will never shop. Some TV games are not fit for teenagers. I hope, as teenagers, we should watch less TV, do more exercise, spend more time talking to our friends, parents or studying our subjects. When you really want to watch TV, just choose active and healthy programs. 3. Making friends on the internet, goo


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