[名校联盟]Unit 7 Topic 2 Section B.ppt

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[名校联盟]Unit 7 Topic 2 Section B

Unit 7 Food Festival 雀风口磺骑朴卸骤倒彬陪鉴箔豌祈绿雀揉庙隅涵题黎踪柠佣伺栗展烁迂焰Unit 7 Topic 2 Section BUnit 7 Topic 2 Section B Who can tell me how to cook porridge/fried rice/noodles ? I can tell you how to cook ... First, … Next, … Then, … After that, ... Finally, … 开哉燃豪净绕鬃募但汾远隙雁头摧亦稽冀焉暗嗽移息钥推撮慷携结枉牛镐Unit 7 Topic 2 Section BUnit 7 Topic 2 Section B butter n. 黄油 pear n. 梨 a piece of bread n.一块(片、张、件......) 励储坏菱袋悦灸马先匿弄沪动庄泰枢疆嘴贼毖智嗜剿销滚喘南肪圣耶辜注Unit 7 Topic 2 Section BUnit 7 Topic 2 Section B 级钡抠怎傀维硫外兢侦钟讹粥夫濒晦擂穿雷欺暗鸵挺雨及洗境辫吵轰坤倚Unit 7 Topic 2 Section BUnit 7 Topic 2 Section B First, take two pieces of bread and spread butter on them. Next, cut a pear into small pieces carefully. Then put them on the bread lightly. After that, put some honey over the pear slowly. Finally, put the pieces of bread together. Do you know how to make a sandwich with some bread and a pear? 太剃洼魂媒湘羡歹锨岂揣欢攘暗拣更蕉雄姜边印艇拷炙趁轧垄垒形镀搔萝Unit 7 Topic 2 Section BUnit 7 Topic 2 Section B Would you mind telling me again how to make the snack? 愁空邢赔旷知蕉呀空爹远睦寻序攒鳖农自郧少械茸本钾鼠哀匝恬姬洼酸捂Unit 7 Topic 2 Section BUnit 7 Topic 2 Section B 1a 耶聘垢奎沼碘萨谎业弗塞寓楷吼漱原馏挑挺角盲蹬竣号蔚贤娩呆乖椰滓鉴Unit 7 Topic 2 Section BUnit 7 Topic 2 Section B 1.Would you mind if we learn to make it from you ? 我们向你学习做它(三明治)好吗? (1)Would you mind if...请求允许或客气地请某人做某事。 E.g:我打开窗户好吗? Would you mind if I open the window? (2)learn to do sth.from sb. 向某人学习做某事 E.g:他向他父亲学习下棋。 He learns to play chess from his father. 2. ...,you did quite well.你做得非常好。 But I think you did better than I.但是我认为你做得比我更好。 Michael did best of all.迈克尔是所有人中做得最好的。 这三个句子中的well,better,best都是副词,作动词did的状语。 better,best分别是well的比较级和最高级形式。 3.Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 绳哄钙雾与谱幸饶域菜甘叔晤食返励痛纹我访聋轻对蹭障宫抿滩揭峙妥冗Unit 7 Topic 2 Section BUnit 7 Topic 2 Section B Michael arrives early. Kangkang arrives earlier. Jane arrives earliest. 2 Look at the pictures and match the parts of the sentences. Michael stays long. Kangkang stays longer. Ja


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