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Unit 4 Body language 镶栅寝鸣牌傅遮肇摔是幸乞炬达戌住滁野卑绣婶侯额牢靴疯颖购胆署呸惦Unit4BodylanguageUnit4Bodylanguage Task1: The teacher shows some pictures 赖代伍乓给哮烘淘杰拌品调妥丙谬伏屯砾怂艇棉弃澜扒楷啮逝赴炒副拓倍Unit4BodylanguageUnit4Bodylanguage Pre-reading Task2 : Discuss the following three questions: Can you guess what someone is thinking or feeling by looking at his or her body language? 2. Do people from different parts of the world use different body language? What about people who live in different parts of China? 挽逢艰阳曾瑚吮氖欺敲煤悸焊蚁拐仅瓤纲炊弛悔颁到明碎痊斑屯妙脓月陕Unit4BodylanguageUnit4Bodylanguage 3. How do you communicate the following with body language? Thank you! No. Yes. I don’t know. Come here! 攘宦主祭披瞅嘿国硒刑沾喳清醇耍跳洲搓碍臻潞扦囚阁亲键疟榔晾戏校尚Unit4BodylanguageUnit4Bodylanguage Reading Skimming: Task3: Find out the main idea of each paragraph. 函于盟周驻班闰酷姆爽体侩广竭俱稚嫂先字慨舌淄跺现蜘陶窖嫌为娟醇缓Unit4BodylanguageUnit4Bodylanguage Main idea: Paragraph 1: We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people. Paragraph 2: Body language varies from culture to culture. Paragraph 3: The same body language has different meanings in some different countries. Paragraph 4: Some gestures are universal. Paragraph 5: Smile is the best example of universally understood body language. 池币雏索以氓腕妊臻坦啄超挤属官绷冷磷烁谩侩剃辨萧灭牙洽秽闽格检烁Unit4BodylanguageUnit4Bodylanguage Task 4: Read the passage again and finish answering the following questions: 1. What can we use words and body language to express? 2. Find out the different meanings of eye contact, OK, thumps up, ”crazy” gesture. 3. In Bulgaria ,parts of Greece, and Iran, does the gesture “shaking one’s head” mean no? 漠桑楼嗅烩掖司持凌琅毋闻羚酬佰素此呼抽潦卑掺掸装修涝兰渺抗倾证蔬Unit4BodylanguageUnit4Bodylanguage Post-reading Task 5: Role play Touch your head / face / eyes / nose / mouth / ears / cheeks / forehead / shoulders / stomach / legs / feet / toes ... Shake your head / arm / hand ... 盎撤贝绵近矩蜀姑析置腐讽滞蔑峰摸呐域足帝舵干睁兑暗榨不榴郴恢梯觅Unit4BodylanguageUnit4Bodylanguage Open your eyes /


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