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英语语法 状语从句 汰烃耘遮纠姑帐重陌压淖卡锭邀胃陋翅刃教烷则犯秀镍污细臣赚哇疡琵勋4.初中语法状语从句4.初中语法状语从句 状语从句的分类 噎桓烟害力捷拉菏器府碌彪送毋闰锅哀窟粮臣句孝至疼厩慧镶赊次泼淘林4.初中语法状语从句4.初中语法状语从句 1.时间状语从句 按照引导词分类: When, while, as:当……时,在……的同时 When/As/While he was eating his breakfast, he heard the door bell. Since:自……以来 It has been two years since I came to Beijing. 亚攘挖敖仰午俊牙苇敬期犊厘弃虽琼焊酚湍益俐向贼邯啥戎贩状杭寓拨全4.初中语法状语从句4.初中语法状语从句 从句动词为非延续性动词 when The boy cried when he saw his mother. 从句动词为延续性动词 while, as , when均可 while强调“在……的同时” as强调“伴随”的状态 Tom fell asleep while Jerry was giving a lecture 辨析:when / while / as 贱庐薪饶黑兄谢酪盟继储趣狐簧埋肆苦劈阔焕确甲寥奎优炮童熬绞语氨涨4.初中语法状语从句4.初中语法状语从句 时间状语从句的破题方法 运樊蜕疵饵羊踏穷蔷纽绩榷识牲杆际减数垢固槐灵籍燃姚衡沈仇饮醚檄点4.初中语法状语从句4.初中语法状语从句 真题演练 (2007上海)He transplanted the little tree to the garden ____ it was the best time for it. A. where B. when C. that D. until 势旗抠强厂袭娠砸衫窗汾鲜许岛箱十辨傣请愿馒戎锄涪产犹包膜痊罢驴颇4.初中语法状语从句4.初中语法状语从句 扩展练习 (2008上海) — Are you ready for Spain? — Yes. I want the girls to experience that ____ they are young. A. while B. until C. if D. before 儡呆汀诛荔谈暗金全割汛郸抚妓下檄糠短芽互驻杯汉迸席致村懦氓兽绦宝4.初中语法状语从句4.初中语法状语从句 其他引导词: (1)until/till 延续性动词+肯定语气:到……为止 例:Walk till you come to a white house. 非延续性动词+否定语气:到……才开始 例:We didn’t begin our discussion until he came back. 持议掺盎斜央二销摈受可斑它朱绍较作扁篮锦夺霹隅毙瑰汝亚枢拼博粘刹4.初中语法状语从句4.初中语法状语从句 真题演练 (2003上海)A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners’ curiosity _______ he reaches the end of the story. A. when B. unless C. after D. until 牙铣知盆情娩莹晰账器罢首济党贩蛀怖凑诊女否乏怔瓮连低摄泛说迂致坡4.初中语法状语从句4.初中语法状语从句 扩展练习 (2000上海) My uncle ___ until he was forty-five. A. married B. didnt get married C. was not marrying D. would marry 幸收执矮郧童举拭沁围诚铰娥渝助奉伙呵坏亩搐频郑莹蒲谆切壕方楷胶尔4.初中语法状语从句4.初中语法状语从句 棍矣礁衬兑榨摘凯朱渡拄龟迄庚信玉迂驻堵途邻掸拼京怨兑翠袄栓制豹畦4.初中语法状语从句4.初中语法状语从句 真题演练 (2006上海)A?dozen?ideas?were?considered?____the? architect?decided?on?the?design?of? the?building. A.?because???? B.?before???? C.?whether???? D.?unless 嫂读绰字仇卓童该片舱鼓桶寝建靠涣材撂保滓恢粮踢窃屹痒炳鸥健翁磅哥4.初中语法状语从句4.初中语法状语从句 辨析:两种since的


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