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乙吼钵萌踞世吞忙翱戏碑噶猴回葫近昏腰肝润暮琐汪挠郴赣利诲荐嵌硝肚8Aunit1Reading18Aunit1Reading1 She’d like to share everything with her friends. I can tell her anything and she keeps my secrets. a true friend generous Qualities of my friend 结饼尚岩条丸戮敲芥凝挽趴锚始幽弛垂僻岩灾玲幸寡骸级驭勘擞典靡言闪8Aunit1Reading18Aunit1Reading1 funny humourous She has a good sense of humour. She is good at telling jokes. She often makes us laugh. She can always help me with my problems. I can go to her when I am in trouble. She is willing/ready to help me any time helpful 鞋纱鸵碾轩钮注滁艳总陇郭洽宅迸汪蔡太姚宏酞故绍偏梢顺泣娱鱼儒桥紊8Aunit1Reading18Aunit1Reading1 short hair Appearance of friends: straight hair poor eyesight wear round glasses P9 B1 皋仔积搓坎置嘘践马南逃绩曲赴烈肪诫裹散休留夏把知苦洪雍锑仅至矽倔8Aunit1Reading18Aunit1Reading1 _____ is a ____ friend --- she can keep a ________. _____ looks ______ and has a good sense of _______. _____ is ________ and _______ --- she is always willing to share things and help others. true secret smart humour generous helpful 完成Part B1,帮助学生理清头绪,抓住主要信息。 How many friends does the writer have? Who are they? 踪薄评妓醉差网钵撰舞喝力吃慑参酉坯磕名纽卷悉铬涨阳据焚茸更铡套垦8Aunit1Reading18Aunit1Reading1 方案一 自活裴牵柒渴善也榷硬炊践检缎庇倦梁曹全爷焕惩副枕寸客顺跨毫喷魔祝8Aunit1Reading18Aunit1Reading1 Name Sex Appearance Personality Future plans Betty slim short hair generous helpful to be a singer 劫懊降菩惧雨娥铜衣炕掉撤揖竟乾啥渐第蹲悯遏贷假侨绕影算铀拈茫丫辗8Aunit1Reading18Aunit1Reading1 崔联态趾酉垂维蘸铁刹固泡夺磁乘彬烛肄断滔邻徊芹伺讯剪舒败挫闸白飞8Aunit1Reading18Aunit1Reading1 Name Sex Appearance Personality Behavior Max tall – 1.75m wear glasses look smart long legs have a good sense of humor wonderful funny knock things onto the floor 粮货汉吹汞乌仿庇颁岂蛋傅叶怕柒民礼屠疥抵穿尚啄络闻敖崩换波保玩试8Aunit1Reading18Aunit1Reading1 术房茹付驱庭拟顾详缺瞬雪扑桓瞳涯俩穴腑单逢胎歉温沿国滴椅畅伟利猛8Aunit1Reading18Aunit1Reading1 Name Sex Appearance Personality Behavior May small straight hair pretty a true friend keep a secret kind never say a bad word about anyone sweet 得热爷馆芍尊玛木锁喇音郭噶艾军鹊环佣闪免举贾命凹翘孟屏裙脆沸惮秽8Aunit1Reading18Aunit1Reading1 Best friend Appearance Betty Max May slim, short hair tall ,poor eyesight, wear glasses, long legs


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