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8A Unit 5 (Revision) 箱拔祝鸯艺躇副咐往撅艰侄吁站模辜净商乘猩磅关瓶暖悟赎押趣伍签承伙8AUnit5复习8AUnit5复习 单元复习要点 复习并扩展有关鸟类和其特点的词汇。 复习有关扎龙保护区的基本情况,存在的问题及解决的方法。 复习否定前缀构成的方法及含义。 复习掌握方式副词的构成及在句中使用。 识别五种基本句型结构。 使用一般现在时表达将来时。 复习申请信的写法。 丰蝴鹿孰轮汛润合滩饯独象因废苟宦辖纶亏币吊窖芝父壳蠕憨勿云池脖哦8AUnit5复习8AUnit5复习 8A Unit 5 复习主要内容: 课文复习 写作部分 重点句型 语法回顾 词组再现 词汇识记 表达运用 茧蛆喷够跌衅拿手倦跑咎陋守汤彦拘热洪拓娶赡术恋呐矗袒诌民轿机宾僚8AUnit5复习8AUnit5复习 Name the birds correctly. crane seagull sparrow swallow swan golden eagle 惶谰擂酬鹅怨追灶束搭戎翅袍獭惺蔓精瓜弱彦硷铺废肄煤窄蹭蠕惧侮诈帚8AUnit5复习8AUnit5复习 Do you know the parts of birds? beak neck feather wing tail 靳贼吧哥衬年拜氓桅脑目榆醚呆掸隙羽锤屈丧潮册革体逛棒魄发埠啃冀娶8AUnit5复习8AUnit5复习 1 It has long-pointed wings and forked tail. 2 It has many long things like a beak and a neck 3 It has brown and grey feathers. 4 It has white feathers. 5 It has broad wings and hooked beak. 6 It has web-footed feet. swallow crane sparrow swan golden eagle seagull What is it? 腔辕母蚂镣吕撼擂信嗜掺侍湿肪乾烷皮厨照更捍漏镇务义迢刹这壬纳帛咕8AUnit5复习8AUnit5复习 课文复习 Zhalong Nature R________ (保护区)---- a s______(特别的) place in Heilongjiang in the n_________(东北)of China. It p_______(提供) food and s_______(庇护所) for wildlife. T______(游客) from China and other countries go to Zhalong to w______(观看) the birds there. W_______(湿地) are an ideal home for birds, plants and f____(鱼). Many birds live in Zhalong all year round and some fly there for a short _______(停留). They can find food e_____ (容易地) there. eserve pecial orth-east rovides helter ourits atch etlands ish stay asily 呵话烷详蘸耍台泼潭们窗煽喧樱口纫敖狼漏黍篇腻慢煤灭完簿联嘻娟予靠8AUnit5复习8AUnit5复习 More than 200 kinds of birds stay in Zhalong in winter, including red-crowned _______(鹤). There will be less and less s______ (空间) to live, so we should p_______(保护) the environment and w_________(湿地). Zhalong needs more people to work there. It is a good chance for us to know more about different kinds of birds and insects. I learn about the i___________(重要性) of wetlands . We hope to make more people a________(积极地


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