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途废煞日疹涪篮咖燎陕典源肋康帖撑掀竭赠榜吊纯啪讳阿判娩英俐颤遗尹period1period1 Do you talk to him/her when you are sad ? Y/N Do you talk to him/her when you are happy ? Y/N Can you talk to him/ her about anything ? Y/N Do you talk to him/her when you have problems? Y/N Do you believe what he/she says? Y/N Questionnaire about your friends’ qualities Can your friend share your happy things ? Can your friend make you happy? Can your friend keep secrets (秘密)? = Is your friend helpful? Is your friend honest (诚实)? joy (欢乐)? Is your friend helpful? 究鬃刨埠何错柴阉柄谦枕蹬挡冬呸担磺抑失钦鲜岂管顽午槛篱荚焚侣龙挖period1period1 Qualities of a good friend (be) helpful (be) honest keep secrets make sb. happy share one’s joy 僵跑肮消荆嘉辜笛氯倦蕉妊唇咖鹊碉铁漠畅拖致排令剪聋浴蛆华拢赔愉警period1period1 How is Peter like ? Is he good at sports ? His future plan is to become a doctor ,right ? Other qualities: 1、Simon is good at making jokes. He often makes us laugh. He is very . funny 2. Jim looks nice , so we say he is a __________ boy. 3. Jack does well in Maths. He always does it quickly. We all think he is very _______. 4. My sister is a teacher . She likes to talk with students kindly . Her students think she is ________to them like their friends. good-looking clever friendly 致勤穴贷验词华暂要柒营帝惑个味独附锰弘饰还锹备柿秽诣葵惑庚见页粉period1period1 Other qualities: 5. Lily always greets her teachers when she meets them. We think she is a_______student in our class. 6.Sandy does well in singing and dancing. She is a _______girl. 7.Jim often makes the classroom clean. We think he is . polite musical clean and tidy 情过仁喀璃儡年皮蛤嫂厩指摆够裸扫阐魏搬惋浑浇泡臼阑牺篇共悬筑釜清period1period1 Very important 1.clean and tidy 5.good-looking 2.clever 6.helpful 3.friendly 7.musical 4.funny 8.polite Quite important Not important It’s …for a good friend to be … You can have different ideas? 稽杖蝗获药帘鸟厕起凝锄搁俞朋吩预扫伙园九摈皮省职息韦椅娇伟刨忧式period1period1 Hit the golden eggs! 1 2 3 4 5 皖埂藻滴狸父亲双窟羔镭驭目壶遥足碑茹澈虾应淬嫩令见浅繁飘园觅碌饶period1period1 棺旨酮


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