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BODY onkeydown=if(event.ctrlKey) return false; onselectstart=return false; onbeforeunload=StopPlayer(NPELSPlayer);TABLE id=tblQuestions border=0 cellSpacing=3 cellPadding=10 width=98% align=center TBODY TR TD H2听说单元测试——Level 5 Unit 7 /H2 DIV H3Listening ComprehensionBRBR DIV style=COLOR: #2d4698; FONT-SIZE: 10ptII. BDirections:/B Listen to the short conversations and choose the correct answers to the questions you hear. The conversations and questions will be read ONLY ONCE.(20 points)/I/DIV/H3/DIV DIV DIV DIVIMG style=CURSOR: hand onclick=#13;#10; Play(,138163/10799/384/74155/5L02A1.mp3)#13;#10; src=../../../Resource/images/sound.jpg/DIV/DIV DIV style=WORD-WRAP: break-word; OVERFLOW: hidden id=divQcScript1 class=DisplayNone name=divQcScript/DIV DIV style=DISPLAY: none; COLOR: red请根据需要填入Script:BRTEXTAREA id=qcScript1 rows=4 cols=85 name=qcScript/TEXTAREA/DIV DIV/DIV DIV/DIV DIV/DIV DIV/DIV DIV DIV/DIV DIV/DIV DIV1./DIV DIV/DIV DIV DIVINPUT id=q1A type=radio name=q1A.To rent a house.SPAN id=statq1A class=Stat/SPAN/DIV DIVINPUT id=q1B type=radio name=q1B.To buy a house.SPAN id=statq1B class=Stat/SPAN/DIV DIVINPUT id=q1C type=radio name=q1C.To find a position in the university.SPAN id=statq1C class=Stat/SPAN/DIV DIVINPUT id=q1D type=radio name=q1D.To find the location of the university.SPAN id=statq1D class=Stat/SPAN/DIV/DIV DIV style=DISPLAY: none; COLOR: red请根据需要填入Script:BRTEXTAREA id=qScript1 cols=85 name=qScript/TEXTAREA/DIV DIV style=WORD-WRAP: break-word; OVERFLOW: hidden id=divQScript1 class=DisplayNone name=divQScript1.BRW: Okay, Mr. Harrington. What price range were you interested in?BRM: Somewhere between $400 and $450 a month. And I would like to live somewhere near the university, or at least on a bus line.BRQ: What is the man trying to do?BR/DIV DIV id=stat1 class=MyScore/DIV DIV id=rightAnswer1 class=RightAnswer/DIV DIV id=score1 class=MyScore/DIV DIV/DIV DIV/DIV DIV2./DIV DIV/DIV DIV DIVINPUT id=q2A type=radio name=q2A.Because he cant fi


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