
段效刚 0610520 中小型企业融资渠道分析段效刚 0610520 中小型企业融资渠道分析.doc

段效刚 0610520 中小型企业融资渠道分析段效刚 0610520 中小型企业融资渠道分析.doc

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段效刚 0610520 中小型企业融资渠道分析段效刚 0610520 中小型企业融资渠道分析

中小型企业融资渠道分析 完成日期: 指导教师签字: 评阅教师签字: 答辩小组组长签字: 答辩小组成员签字: 摘 要 随着进入21世纪,我国中小企业进入高速发展阶段,逐渐成为我国国民经济结构的的重要组成部分。在国民经济发展的初期,不管是我们国家还是大部分的新型工业化国家对中小企业问题都不够重视,然而近些年中小企业的地位和作用发生了巨大的变化,已然成为一个国家国民经济发展的重要角色。但是,由于中小企业自身偿债能力差,运行管理问题多等问题使得融资越来越困难,这极大的阻碍了中小企业的发展。本文通过对我国中小企业在发展过程中遇到的问题和阻碍进行分析,剖析其出现的原因,并且结合我国即将采取的一些改善中小企业融资境遇的措施,为此提出切实可行的意见,为我国中小企业将来的融资发展探索一条更为有效的道路。 关键词:中小企业;融资渠道;金融机构 Abstract With the step to twenty-first Century, Chinas small and medium enterprises SMEs enter the stage of rapid development, which have gradually become an important part of the economic structure in our country. In the early development of the national economy, not only our country but also the majority of the new industrialized countries have not paid enough attention to the problems of SMEs. However, dramatic changes have taken place in recent years, and status and the SMEs has become one of the countrys economic development. However, due to the most important role of SMEs poor debt paying ability and operation management problems, which make SMEs’ financing more and more difficult, All of this greatly hinder the development of SMEs. Basing on the problems and obstacles encountered in the development of SMEs of our country, The paper will analyze the causes of this plemomenon, combine the measures of improving SMEs’ financirg and put forward the feasible suggestions. for SMEs ,The paper tries to explone an effective and efficient way to solve the financing problem of SMEs. Key words: small and medium-sized e



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