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新时代交互英语读写译第四级答案(第一单元) Chapter 1 --------------- Reading 1 --------------- Vocabulary Structure 1 ⒈carved out ⒉wind up ⒊out of place , ended up ⒋In the hope of , embarked on ⒌demand ⒍embrace ⒎ended up in ⒏decent Vocabulary Structure 2 ⒈She stood shivering … ------brink ⒉Borrowing words form … ------respectable ⒊One of the world’s leading … ------surpass ⒋The panel’s … ------initial ⒌He had claimed that … ------subsequent ⒍Only several years later … ------compromise ⒎A group of researchers … ------embraces ⒏European families emigrating … ------immigrate ⒐The bad weather has … ------obstacle ⒑As a matter of fact … -------embark upon Banked Cloze ⒈economic ⒉misguided ⒊decent ⒋insulting ⒌end up ⒍obstacles ⒎growing ⒏raises ⒐encroach on ⒑societal Translation ⒈一些人出于冒险的动机。。。。 others for adventurous motivation, and still others for the values that might more suit their own ideals ⒉而且带来了新思想。。。。 but also in new ideas and high-tech skills, thus making them more productive ⒊遇到挣钱过好日子。。。。 embrace the opportunities to earn enough to live a decent life ⒋后来相继被译成。。。。 and it was subsequently translated into five languages ⒌希望我能。。。。 in the hope that I might recognize her ⒍起初我害羞。。。 Initially, I felt shy and insecure about my job Initially, there were was often insecure feelings over my job due to my shyness ⒎我觉得自己完全。。。。 I felt completely out of place and end up in early departure from the party ⒏我想让你做主。。。 I want you to take the initiative to carve out a bright future for yourself ---------------- Reading 2 ----------------- 第三段: 【There】younger immigrants began their lives and their educations in their native countries. [Like] adult immigrants, [they] have life experiences that include two or more cultures and languages. [However], [they] are different from adult immigrants because they start their education in one place and complete it in a new country and a new language. ---------


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