电大:2016年电大 电大英语小抄 资料大全(蓝本).doc

电大:2016年电大 电大英语小抄 资料大全(蓝本).doc

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交际用语 C 1.well,mary,how are you? I’m fine A 2.Let’s take walk. Yes,let’s A 3.I think the Internel is very helpful. Yes,so do I. C 4.Hello,could I speak to Don please? Who’s speaking B 5.What kind of TV program do you like best? It’s hard to say,actually C 6.What subjects are you studying? I’m studying philosophy B 7.Which language do you speak at home?English ,most of time C 8.Must we hand in our homework now?No,you needn’t A 9.Do you think the exam will be put off? Not likely C 10.In my opinion,you’d better take a coupie of days off. I’ll take your advice C 11.Hello,Sally.How’s everything?Just so-so . A 12.Excuse me would you lend me your calculator?Certainly.Here you are. B 13.What kind of TV program do you like best?It’s hard to say ,actually. B 14.Could you tell me where Mr.like is?At the office B 15.What would you like ,tea or coffee?Coffee,please. 词汇结构 C 1.He is very keen (on)football. C 2. Let’s go to the cinema,(shell we) B 3.He asked me where(I came)from. C4.The teacher told(me off)for being late for class A5.He was (over the moon)about his new job, B6.Are you still here?You were here half an hour an hourago.Who (are you waiting)for? B 7.(What)I enjoy most is(that)Ican have a holiday from work. A8.You(ought)to exercise more. A9.They(have been driving)for hours. A10.(Spending) all your money in the first week is not a sensible strategy. B11.He is looking forward (to writing )his thesis. B12.I (asked)her to marry me and she agreed. A13.You like piaying football,(don’t)you? A14.(Exercise)every day for 20 minutes. C15If he was fitter,he(would)live longer. B16.I regret(to say) that I’m unable to help you. C17. I have given(up)eating meat. C18.She comes from(the)People’s Republic of China. C19.The boy (has been take) to school already. A20.(Most of)these children know the answer. A21.The next train to Beijing is due here at 3’o clock. B22.He goes to school by bike ,and the journey takes half an hour. A23.That is the dog whose name is Henry. A24.


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