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PAGE   PAGE 8 毕业设计调研报告 所在院系: 建筑与城乡规划学院 专 业: 建筑学 设计题目: 工人之家 —社区文化活动中心建筑设计 学生姓名: 黄平 学 号: 3110802313 设计地点: 福建工程学院 指导教师: 蔡碧新、刘华杰 2016年 3月 6日 社区活动中心调研报告 Community Activity Center Study 黄平 3110802313 Ping Huang 3110802313 摘要:本文对社区活动中心的一些问题进行了解析,分析了其特殊性:时间性 场所性 功能性,介绍了社区活动中心功能的多样性,活动中心职能与作用和其对应的空间需求,也包括功能分区和体块组合的分析,并用具体实例加以说明。 Abstract:In this paper, some problems of community activity center were analyzed, and the analysis of its particularity: time place functional sex, introduces the role and function of community activity center and its corresponding to the demand for space, including function partition and combination of analysis, and illustrated by a concrete example. 关键词:时间性,场所性,功能性,空间需求,多样性,功能分区 社区文化活动中心是由政府主办的,以不断满足人民群众基本的精神文化需求为目标,体现和谐文化的要求,促进市区与郊区农村文化建设的优势互补和良性互动,为社区居民提供文化、体育、教育、科普、信息等服务的公益性、多功能设施。社区文化活动中心是基层宣传思想教育的重要阵地,所以应围绕党和国家的中心工作,进行社区宣传思想教育工作,弘扬先进文化,支持健康有益文化,建设和谐文化,促进社区精神文明建设。 Keywords: time, place, function, space demand, shelter feeling, function zoning Community cultural activity center is sponsored by the government, to continue to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the masses of the people as the goal, reflecting the requirements of harmonious culture, promote urban and rural cultural construction in rural areas of complementary advantages and positive interaction, for community residents to provide culture, sports, education, science and information services of public welfare, multipurpose facilities. Community cultural activity center is the important position of the grassroots propaganda and ideological education, it should be around the center work of the party and the state, the community propaganda and ideological education work, promote advanced culture, support healthy and useful culture and harmonious culture construction, promote the construction of community spiritual civilization. 1.社区活动中心的形成与现状 随着我



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