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如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆: 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010总第052期 2011年4月 如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆: 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 Asian cities’ appeal to wealthy increasing Six of the 10 cities worldwide that most appeal to wealthy individuals as places to live and invest will be located in Asia within a decade, according to research that highlights how the region is rapidly closing the gap with the west. The 2011 Wealth Report, to be published on Wednesday by Citi Private Bank, shows that Shanghai, Mumbai and Beijing are expected to shoot up the rankings by 2020, outpacing western rivals. Mumbai – expected to rise from 38th place this year to seventh by 2020 – stands out as one of the fastest movers. Shanghai is forecast to leapfrog Beijing to become the third-highest ranked city in the world. New York and London will fight off competition from rapidly growing markets to retain the first two spots, according to the report, but other European cities – including Paris, Brussels, Berlin and Frankfurt – are set to experience a decline in popularity. While the rapid growth of China’s main cities is expected to slow as the government “puts the screws in” to slow the property market, Mr Quek believed it would exceed that of western counterparts such as New York and London. Beijing, which already ranks in the top 10, is expected to rise more modestly, from eighth to fourth place within the next 10 years. In spite of their meteoric rise, the Asian cities are not expected to topple New York and London, which the report says will remain the world’s two highest-ranked cities among wealthy investors and residents. 京沪将吸引全球富人? 一项研究显示,不出10年,全球对富人在生活和投资方面最具吸引力的10座城市中,有6座将位于亚洲,突显亚洲正快速缩小与西方的差距。 花旗私人银行(Citi Private Bank)周三发表的《2011财富报告》(2011 Wealth Report)显示,上海、孟买和北京的排名到2020年预期将大幅上升,超越西方竞争对手。 到2020年,孟买的排名预期将从今年的第38位升至第7位,使其成为名次上升最快的城市之一,引人注目。根据预测,上海将超越北京,成为世界上排名第3的城市。 根据这份报告,纽约和伦敦将击退快速增长市场的竞争,保留前两名的地位,但欧洲其它城市——包括巴黎、布鲁塞尔、柏林和法兰克福——势必将


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