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How Capital Taxes Harm Economic Growth: Britain Versus the United States Lee E. Ohanian
Inflation-Indexed Bonds:
How Do They Work?
Jeffrey M. Wrase*
In a Newsweek article in 1971, economist and Friedman and a host of commentators before
Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman scolded the and after him, the U.S. Treasury has unveiled
government for repaying its debt in dollars an “inflation-protection security.” This new se-
whose value is eroded by inflation. His prescrip- curity, also known as an inflation-indexed or
tion was to: inflation-linked bond, is designed to protect the
purchasing power of an investor’s savings by
“Let the Treasury promise to pay not $1,000 indexing interest and principal payments to
but a sum that will have the same purchasing consumer prices. If prices go up, so, too, do
power as $1,000 had when the security was dollar payments from an indexed bond. There-
issued. Let it pay as interest each year not a fore, holders of indexed bonds aren’t hurt by
fixed number of dollars but that number ad- inflation.
justed for any rise in prices.” The Treasury started its indexed bond pro-
gram in January 1997 by issuing 10-year infla-
Now, 26 years after the urging of Professor tion-protection bonds, with principal and in-
terest payments linked to the consumer price
index for all urban consumers (CPI-U). The in-
*Jeff Wrase is a senior economist in the Research De-
partment of the Philadelphia Fed. This article is available dexing program will expand to include bonds
on the Internet at /econ/br/ of different maturities and other types of finan-
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