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 PAGE 2 北 京 交 通 大 学 学 报 第 卷 MapInfo 与 Supermap 两款软件的对比分析 北 京 交 通 大 学 JOURNAL OF BEIJING JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY Supermap与MapInfo两款软件的对比分析 张泽英北京交通大学 交通运输学院 运输1305班 摘 要:地理信息系统(GIS)是一个 HYPERLINK /view/443921.htm \t _blank 获取、存储、编辑、处理、分析和显示地理数据的空间信息系统,其核心是用计算机来处理和分析地理信息。专家指出,世界上75%到80%的信息都与地理空间位置有关。作为“数字地球”的骨架支撑技术之一,地理信息系统关系到国民经济建设、社会发展和国家安全。目前GIS软件在国际上已经得到了很好的应用。在我国,从事GIS软件开发应用的公司逾1000家,包括软件、硬件、培训及教育在内。其中超图公司开发的Supermap软件脱颖而出,率先打开了国际市场,开创了中国GIS软件国际化的先河。 本文主要对比分析了国内外两款常见的地理信息系统软件Supermap 与MapInfo,分别从功能、特性二次开发等方面较为全面的对比了两款软件的异同之处。并对其优缺点进行了比较。 关键词:地理信息系统(GIS);Supermap;MapInfo;对比分析;优缺点 The Comparison and Analysis between Supermap MapInfo Zeying Zhang Beijing Jiaotong University Abstract: Geographic information system (GIS) is a space information system which is used to acquire, store, edit, process, analysis and display the geographic data. Experts point out that, 75% to 80% of the worlds information is related to geographical location. As one of the digital earth skeleton supportive technology, geographic information system is related to national economic construction, social development and national security. So far the GIS software has been made good use of in the world. In China, there are more than 1000 companies which are engaged in the GIS software’s development and application, including hardware and software, training and education. Supermap, a software developed by Hypergraph stands out, and it’s the first Chinese GIS software who opened the international market. We analysis the two common geographic information system software Supermap and MapInfo respectively from the aspects of development, function, operation. And then we compare the similarities and differences between them. Key words: Geographic information system; Supermap; MapInfo; comparison and analysis; advantages and disadvantages 1.软件简介 1.1Supermap软件简介 Supermap由超图公司研发。北京超图软件股份有限公司(简称“超图软件


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