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Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies, forthcoming, January 2012
Inflation Volatility, Institutions, and Economic Growth
Noha Emara1
Barnard College
Columbia University
The study analyzes the effect of inflation volatility on growth in the presence of different
degrees of institutional development. A non-linear growth regression specification using System
GMM procedure on a sample of 37 countries over the period 1989-2006 is estimated. While the
level of inflation was found not to have a significant effect on growth, which is in line with
previous studies; inflation volatility does significantly impact growth even for countries with
moderately high levels on inflation. In addition and in contrast with the results of Acemoglu et
al. (2003) and Easterly (2004), the study finds that policies, particularly inflation volatility, does
not act as a proxy for institutions. Improving institutions will have a statistical significant
positive impact on growth which will help to reduce the negative impact of inflation volatility.
JEL classification: O16; O43; E30
Keywords: Inflation; Inflation Volatility; Institutions; Growth; System GMM.
1 Assistant Professor, Barnard College, Columbia University, 3009 Broadway, New York, NY 10027
Email: nme2109@
Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies, forthcoming, January 2012
1. Introduction
Many studies add
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