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UNIT1 9 In spite of trade frictions, the US cannot do without China or vice versa. If you find yourself working without efficiency, you’d better relax for a while. The speaker glanced around the audience this way and that before he started speaking. My father’s opinion on my job change sounded to me like a warning. The labor union agreed to give up a pay increase for the sake of more job opportunities. 11 The Panda’s Weeping Cry I’m one of the endangered species. I do not have many relatives left in this world, and that’s why people usually can only see us in the zoos. Although we are taken good care of and live comfortably there, we long for bushes in the mountains. As you know, we pandas are very critical about food. Young and fresh bamboo branches are our favorite. But sometimes bamboos would bloom and die. When this happens, many of us would have a hard time surviving and some may even die of hunger. Most people love us for what we are, but some still risk to hunt us for money and make us even rarer in the world. Please help us. We count on you! PASSAGE B Think about it It is a goal set by Interface that the company will eliminate any negative impact Interface has on the environment by the year 2020. We can start doing something first, then do something else. Only when everyone in our society is involved can we expect to transform our entire system into a sustainable one. 翻译 归零使命 雷·C·安德森(1934年7月28日—2011年8月8日)——是全球最大的商业和住宅用拼块式地毯制造商之一——英特飞有限公司的创始人和董事长。他因在“工业生态和可持续发展方面表现出的先进和发展的立场而闻名于环保界”。 “如果有其存在,就必然有其可能,”落基山研究所智囊团的联合创始人和首席科学家艾默里·洛文斯如此断言道。他说的正是我的公司。我敢说,当十四年前我描述我的志向,要把英特飞公司变成它今天正在呈现的模样时,各位实业家同人都认为我的雄心壮志根本不可能实现。事实上,一个主要竞争对手的总裁当时就瞪着我说:“雷,你是一个梦想家。”然而,正如艾默里所说,“如果有其存在......” 今天存在的这个“不可能”是一家(在能源和原材料方面)高度依赖石油的地毯制造商,从1996年至今将温室气体净排放量减少了88%(以实打实的吨数计),用水量减少了79%,而销售额却反而增加了三分之二,收益翻了一番。英特飞于1994年开始完成一项使命,力争“成为首家生态实业公司,通过自己的所作所为向整个实业界全方位地展现可持续性发展的理念:涵盖人员、生产过程、产品、利润、地点等各个方面。”我们对持续性发展的定义是:我们这家高度依赖石油的公司,坚持其运营只从地球获取可以自然而快速再生的资源,并且不对生态造成危害。  通过消除浪费,我们已经累计降低了3亿7千2百万


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