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一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 50 分。) V 1. It will only tk m minut to gt your wth fix. It will ry ______. . y th wy . right wy . t lst . in tht s 答案: 2. It ws _____who ln th room. . I . m . min . my 答案: 3. Lonon is on of th importnt _____ ntrs of th worl. . urrny . sh . finnil . mony 答案: 4. Ystry whn I ws wlking on th strt, I _____to s n ol frin of min. . mng . hppn . sttl . ourr 答案: 5. Whn I no my h, tht’s your u to th mting. . intrrupt . join . orr . inlu 答案: 6. Th nw _____ lin of th ftory n prou 100 iyls vry y. . ssmly . working . olltion . prouing 答案: 7. s wintr _____ th wthr m olr. . nry . vn . pss y . pproh 答案: 8. H woul muh _____ it if you oul o him tht fvor. . pls . stisfy . thnk . pprit 答案: 9. Th poli r ______ th trffi int tht hppn ystry. . looking own upon . looking forwr to . looking into . looking ftr 答案: 10. It will only _____ m minut to rpir your shos. . giv . mk . kp . tk 答案: 11. Sh woul nvr o nything tht ws not _____ of y hr prnts. . gr . ppoint . pprov . pls 答案: 12. Thr r som mor topis to isuss, _____ th prolm of pollution. . gnrlly . spilly . xtly . proly 答案: 13. If you hv _____qustions, pls writ thm on slip of ppr. . som . ny . fw . littl 答案: 14. If you _____ your hilrn wll, you will prou of thm. . th up . ring up . f up . grow up 答案: 15. ontrtion shoul not us in _____ writing. . forml . formr . fmilir . populr 答案: 16. Thr hs n n immit _____ ginst thir govrnmnt propos tx inrss. . pplition . rtion . ssoition . rption 答案: 17. Jim ws vry populr with thos who oul vot, n h ws _____tht h oul win th ltion. . onfint . livl . trust . onfin 答案: 18. Lin foun wllt ______ on th groun. . li . ly . lin . lying 答案: 19. W nturlly _____ instin with th Thory of Rltivity. . omplish . pprit . ompny . ssoit 答案: 20. itors of nwspprs n mgzins oftn go to xtrms to provi thir rr with unimportnt fts n _____ . . rsons . mttrs . sttistis . systms 答案: 21. W hv h so mny xpnss this yr tht w shll hv to _____ holiy. . put off . hol up . o without . go out 答案: 22. T


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