1997-Behaviour of crystallised phases of Portland cement upon water attack.pdf

1997-Behaviour of crystallised phases of Portland cement upon water attack.pdf

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1997-Behaviour of crystallised phases of Portland cement upon water attack

Materials and Structures/Mat6riaux et Constructions, Vol. 30, October 1997, pp 480-485 Behaviour of crystallised phases of Portland cement upon water attack P. Faucon 12, F. Adenot 3, M.Jorda 4,2, R. Cabrillac 2 (1) Service de Physique de lEtat Condense, CEA-CEN Saclay, 91 I91 Gif-sur-Yvette, France (2) Universit~ Cergy-Pontoise, Laboratoire Matiaux et Sciences des Constructions, I.U.P. Gie Civil et Infrastructures, Neuville-sur-Oise, 95031 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex, France (3) Service dEntreposage et de Stockage des D~chets, CEA-CEN Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur- Yvette, France (4) Agence Nationale pour la Gestion des Dhets Radioactifs, 92298 CMtenay-Malabry, France Paper received: April 10, 1996; Paper accepted:July 4, 1996 A B S T R A C T R I~ S U M I ~ The changes occurring in the crystallised phases dur- ing degradation of an ordinary Portland cement have been studied. Leaching of cement paste with deminer- alised water generates a series of dissolution boundaries. Portlandite, then AFm, ettringite and calcite dissolve successively. In the zones with no change in mineralogy, local chemical equilibrium and decreasing gradients in calcium and hydroxyls between the core and the surface explain the precipitation of the secondary phases, like AFm, ettringite and calcite. Hydrogarnets in the surface layer in contact with the aggressive solution only dis- solved slightly, or not at all. The very low solubility of hydrotalcites at pH values near neutrality explains the precipitation of these magnesium-containing phases in the surface layer. ~ ! 9 , , ! L evolutwn des phases cr~stalhsees durant la d~grada- tion dun ciment Portland ordinaire a dtd udi. La lixi- viation dune pdte de ciment par une eau d(minalis provoque une sie de dissolutions la portlandite se dissout la premie, puis les AFro, lettringite et la calcite. Dans des zones de minalogie constante, l~quilibre chimique local et les gradients d(croissants en calcium et hydroxyles entre le c


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