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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 2014年9月6日雅思写作真题解析及范文 2014年9月6日雅思写作真题解析及范文 2014年9月6日雅思考试真题笔试回忆【A类】 2014年9月6日雅思写作题目: 小作文:动态柱图:4个国家40年来接受援助的对比 大作文:With major cities continue growing,are there any problems to young people? How to solve these problems?年轻人面对的问题以及如何解决? 雅思写作真题解析: 可以谈及的文章主题有—— 1. 年轻人学习压力大的原因和解决 2. 年轻人不健康的原因和解决 3. 大学生择业难的原因和解决 4. 青少年犯罪的原因和解决 考前点睛→ 2014年9月雅思写作预测及高分范文 相关题目1:Many people complain about workplace pressure. What can employers do to reduce the stress? What can the employees themselves do? Give your opinions by referring to your own experience. 雅思写作范文1: Pressure is always there in some form, whether in the workplace or in our personal lives. If you allow it to control your performance in a negative way, then it becomes stress. I would like to examine the cause of stress, which has led to many people staying off job or school, and offer possible solutions as follows. [58 words] Firstly, do not overestimate your abilities. It is not uncommon that many arrogant people first overrate themselves before starting a task, then they stay off the job after having found it extremely difficult. These people are pessimistic ones. Actually if they knew who they are they would not place themselves in this plight. Take me for example, I am an architect working for a construction company. Whenever I am given an assignment, I would study it for a couple of days. If it is over my head I would recommend another more capable colleague to complete it. This is the way I am and consequently and more importantly, I never feel stressful at work.. [113 words] Now let’s turn to academic issue. Everyone knows, stress occurs when you are being asked to do something you are not sure whether you can do. Nowadays, a great deal of students’ fears grow dramatically before the arrival of a big exam as a consequence of not being well prepared for it. Some of them who have flunked many times would rather drop out of school than suffer from humiliations and shame. I experienced tough times when I was


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