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智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料 2015年9月6日GRE句子填空真题答案-智课教育旗下智 课教育 GRE考试刚刚落下帷幕不久,小编就为大家精心整理了2015年9月 6日GRE填空真题及答案。正在备考或者准备备考GRE考试的考生快来 一睹真题的精彩内容吧。 GRE考试真题是大家备考的一个风向标,所以掌握真题是非常有必 要的。下面,小编精心整理了2015年9月6日GRE句子填空真题及答案 ,帮助大家更好地备考,快来围观吧。 1. The travel writer’s ___________ towards others he met on his country trip most likely endeared him only to those readers with a misanthropic bent. A) diffidence B) humility C) cynicism D) garrulity E) obsequiousness 答案:C 2. Though she had spent years toiling away, she had again, much to her___________ been passed over for a lucrative post that went to someone far less senior. A) delight B) disenfranchisement C) diligence D) prescience E) chagrin 答案:E 3. Managers who categorically squelch insights from low-tiered employees run the obvious hazard of (i) ___________ creativity; conversely, these very same managers are more likely to (ii) ___________ any ideas that flow down from the top brass. Blank (i) A) fomenting B) smothering C) sparking Blank (ii) D) unquestioningly embrace E) arbitrarily denounce F) conditionally approve 答案:smothering;unquestioningly embrace 4. Vermeer is able to imbue his paintings with a saintliness verging on the ___________, a quality that is in sharp juxtaposition to the ___________ of the subject: a milkmaid preparing breakfast, a servant tidying up a messy kitchen. Blank (i) A) artificial B) numinous C) hagiographic Blank (ii) D) similarity E) conviviality F) banality 答案:numinous;banality 5. Because reading on the Web entails quickly scanning and sorting through a deluge of information, many wonder if our level of engagement with the text has been (i) ___________or if the ability to read closely and carefully is one that can be (ii) ___________if we simply spend more time immersed in a book. Blank (i) A) irreparably compromised B) tentatively disrupted C) permanently restored Blank (ii) D) fully reactivated E) further degraded F) summarily disregarded 答案:irreparably compromised;fully reactivated 6. Whether the network renews



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