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资料来源:育明考研考博官网 阅读题源 读测试:“少林 CEO”释永信被传正在接受调查 释永信是现任少林寺方丈、中国佛教协会副会长、河南省佛教协会会长。据报 道,释永信因私生子和挪用公款问题被人指控,但少林寺方面否认其正接受调 查。中国佛教协会在其网站上表示,针对释永信的指控“关乎少林寺乃至中国 佛教的形象和声誉”。 测试中可能遇到的词汇和知识: lurid 耸人听闻的 allegation 指控 disciple 门徒 embezzle 贪污 oust 罢黜 Mystery deepens over China’s scandal-hit ‘CEO monk’ Shi Yongxin (433words) By Lucy Hornby in Beijing ------------------------------------------------------ The Chinese abbot who turned the temple where kung fu was invented into a sprawling commercial empire failed to turn up at a Buddhist meeting in Thailand this weekend, fuelling speculation that he is under investigation after weeks of lurid allegations. Shi Yongxin, the round-faced, yellow-robed “CEO monk” who heads the Shaolin Temple, has been accused by a former disciple of fathering several children out of wedlock and embezzling money. The allegations, widely reported in Chinese media, are the latest in a string of controversies surrounding the globe-trotting abbot, whose aggressive commercialisation of the historic temple for tourism, martial arts and cultural purposes has made him China’s most famous Buddhist and turned the Shaolin temple into China’s most recognisable brand. A communications officer at the temple, surnamed Ma, denied that Abbot Shi was under investigation. Abbot Shi could not immediately be reached 资料来源:育明考研考博官网 for comment. The temple, tucked into a forested mountainside in central Henan province, houses warrior monks whose high kicks and seemingly magical powers have featured in numerous action films. The temple fell on hard times after being stripped of its lands and monks under Communist rule, but staged a comeback under Abbot Shi. A crackdown on corruption and consolidation of political power under President Xi Jinping has already claimed other religious figures, including celebrity guru Wang Lin, who stands accused of murder. Mr Wang is the qigong master-turned oil mogul who testified in the trial of ousted energy and security tsar Zhou Yongkang. Religiou


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