23fc6527-3342-4054-b1a2-836dc2678c551st gally proof of 10152 _M. Ilyas_.pdf

23fc6527-3342-4054-b1a2-836dc2678c551st gally proof of 10152 _M. Ilyas_.pdf

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23fc6527-3342-4054-b1a2-836dc2678c551st gally proof of 10152 _M. Ilyas_

Uncorrected Proof 1 Thermodynamic and Kinetic Studies of Chromium (VI) Adsorption by Sawdust Activated Carbon Mohammad Ilyas*, Nadir Khan and Qamar Sultana National Center of Excellence in Physical Chemistry, University of Peshawar, Peshawar 25120, Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Pakistan. mohilyas52@* (Received on 23rd October 2013, accepted in revised form 21st April 2014) Summary: Low cost activated carbon, prepared from saw dust of Ziziphus jujube by chemical activation with phosphoric acid (H3PO4) was characterized and utilized for the removal of Cr (VI) ions from aqueous solutions under different conditions of solution pH, contact time, initial concentration, carbon dose and temperature. Adsorption of Cr (VI) ions was found highly pH dependent that increased with decrease in solution pH. The removal of Cr (VI) ions increased with increase in temperature, initial concentration and contact time until equilibrium was established. Langmuir’s isotherm model and pseudo - second order kinetic equation were found better fitted to describe the experimental data. Thermodynamic study revealed the feasibility, spontaneity and endothermic nature of the adsorption process. The used carbon was regenerated by treating with HCl solution. In comparison to other adsorbents, the results indicated that the prepared saw dust activated carbon could be an eco-environment friendly and efficient adsorbent for removal of Cr (VI) ions from aqueous solutions. Keywords: Activated carbon; Ziziphus jujube; Adsorption isotherm; Chromium (VI); Thermodynamic; Kinetics Introduction Heavy metals are potential water pollutants due to their toxic and non-biodegradable nature that pose a severe threat to public health and the environment. Among heavy metals, Cr (VI) is one of the most hazardous pollutants due to its smaller size, stability and solubility in water. It causes cancer in digestive tract and lungs as well as a number of other diseases. Depending on pH of


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