Babycook 食谱.pdf

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Babycook 食谱

Mother will find cooking tasty meals in no time with Babycook is real pleasure, while turning Junior into a little foodie. Babycook is all thats needed to make Babys daily meals (lunch, supper and tea). It only takes ten minutes to rustle up a compote or cooked dish using the same ingredients that go into the family meal to make Babys meal. Its size has been designed to prepare individual portions that increase as the infants needs grow. 妈妈们将会发现用 BABYCOOK 在短时间内做出美味的佳肴真是件令人享受的事情,同时 还能把自己变成一个小小美食家。Babycook 已为宝宝们的一日三餐饮食提供了所需的一切。 (中餐,晚餐还有茶点)。用 BABAYCOOK, 只需花 10 分钟就可以做个菜泥,尔或用其给 家人做饭的同样食材就能给宝宝做一顿可口饭菜。BABYCOOK 大小是根据单个小孩饮食分 量设计的,可以根据小孩不断成长增加其分量。 The gradual introduction of new ingredients into babiess diets is essential for infants to learn about flavours and have a balanced diet in the future. This can start from the 5th month onwards using the scheme laid out below. 在小孩饮食中为逐步添加新成分,让婴儿渐渐了解不同食物风味对建立一个均衡的饮食习惯 非常重要。 我们从婴儿 5 个月后便可以按照下面的方式制定均衡饮食搭配。 Dinner’s ready! Ergonomic cutlery, fledgling plate, Beaba has thought of everything to give Baby steady help to eat along with the grown-ups Beaba 有符合人体工程学的餐具,婴儿专用餐盘,它为我们的宝宝成长饮食提供了一切。 The recipes, arranged into the following age groups have been devised by famous french nutritionist Agnes Mignonac to offer your children balanced meals that are suitable for thir development. The recipes refer to water levels that mare marked on the Babycook. 下面是法国营养专家按照婴儿成长的的不同阶段推荐的孩子成长所需的均衡饮食配方。食谱 涉及到 Babycook 中标注的水量。 Daily products(每 日饮食) Meat, Fish, Eggs (肉, 鱼,蛋) Fruit and vegetable(水果和 蔬菜) starchy products (pasta,rice…)淀粉食品(面 食,大米) FAT(脂 肪类) From 4-5 months(4-5 个月后) Mashed fruit, pureed vegetables(果酱,蔬菜泥) cereal for infants(gluten free) (婴幼儿谷类食品(不含麸 质) From 6 months(6 个 月后) Milik,cool cheese, yogurt ,hard cheese(牛奶, 奶酪,酸奶, 硬质奶酪) lean red meat, poultry, egg yolk(瘦 红肉,家 禽,蛋黄) Potato,crushed ricepasta,flour with glueten(马铃薯,碎大米和面 食,面粉面筋) oil, butter fresh, cream (油,黄 油,奶 油


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