Electrical Power System-II.pdf

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Electrical Power System-II

BE Semester- VI (Electrical Engineering) Question Bank (E 605 ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM - II) All questions carry equal marks (10 marks) Q.1 Explain per unit system in context with three-phase power system and state advantages and disadvantages of the same. Q.2 Draw the per unit impedance diagram for the power system shown below. Neglect resistance and use a base of 50 MVA, 220 kV in 100 ? line. The rating of generator, transformers and motor are Generator : 500 MVA, 25 kV, X = 20 % Motor : 200 MVA, 11 kV, X = 30 % Y - Y transformer : 300 MVA, 33Y / 220Y kV, X = 15 % Y - ? transformer : 300 MVA, 11? / 220Y kV, X = 15 % Q.3 Figure given below shows a generator feeding two motors through transformers and line. The ratings and reactances are as under. Generator : 100 MVA, 11 kV, X = 25 % Transformer T1 : 110 MVA, 10 / 132 kV, X = 6 % Transformer T2 : Bank of three single phase transformers each rated at 30 MVA, 66 kV / 10 kV, X = 5 % Motor M1 : 40 MVA, 10 kV, X = 20 % Motor M2 : 50 MVA, 10 kV, X = 20 % Transmission line: X = 100 ? Select generator rating as base values, draw reactance diagram and indicate per unit reactances on the diagram. Q.4 Figure given below shows the schematic diagram of a radial transmission system. The ratings and reactances of the various components are shown therein. A load of 60 MW at 0.9 power factor lagging is tapped from the 66 kV substation which is to be maintained at 60 kV. Calculate the terminal voltage of the synchronous machine. Represent the transmission line and the transformers by series reactances only. j 100 ? G M T1 T2 G M1 M2 Q.5 For 3 phase overhead transmission line the generalized circuit constants are as follows: A=D= 0.9?2?, B=140?70? ohm/phase. Line delivers 60 MVA at 132 kV and at 0.



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