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Harmonious Railway Construction 和谐铁路建设 我国铁路工程结构设计方法转轨的 认识与思考 周诗广 1 张玉玲 2 ( 1 铁道部经济规划研究院 工学博士,北京 100038;2 中国铁道科学研究院 研究员,北京 100081) 摘 要: 我国铁路系统自 1950 年颁布新中国第一部结构设计标准———《铁路桥涵设计规程(初 稿)》以来,沿用容许应力设计法已长达 60 余年。 随着铁路运输的多元化和以高速铁路为代表 的高新技术的导入以及铁路技术国际交流的日益频繁,对桥梁、隧道、路基、轨道等工务工程的 结构安全、使用功能和技术经济等方面的设计需求也日趋严苛,容许应力法已不能完全适应新 形势下结构设计的需要。 从阐述国内外工程结构设计方法的现状入手,通过说明推行铁路工程 结构极限状态法设计的必要性,详细分析了铁路行业转轨的工作基础及存在的问题,提出了转 轨工作的推进思路,并给出了转轨工作的相关建议。 关键词:铁路工程;结构设计;极限状态法;容许应力法 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-9746(2011)03-0027-06 Abstract: Since the first structure design standard——— Design Specification for Railway Bridge and Culvert (the first draft) was published in 1950, allowable stress design method has been used for more than 60 years. Along with the diversification of railway transport, the use of high and new technology as HSR, and the more international ex- change of railway technology, the design demand for structure safety, use function and technology economics of bridges, tunnels, roadbeds, tracks becomes strict gradually, allowable stress design method hasnt fit to the design demand in new situation. The article first expounds the current situation of engineering structure design methods at home and abroad; second, explains the necessary of pushing the limit state design method of railway engineering structure and analyses the work basics and existing questions during the change of two methods; finally, puts forward the ideas and suggestions of changing the methods. Key words: railway engineering; structure design; Limit state design method ;Allowable stress design method 1 关于工程结构设计方法


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