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重点词汇 在..边缘 on the edge of 想出 think of 从..出来 get out of 穿过 go through 沿着..走 walk along 在东方 in the east 在下面的远处 far below 在..底部 at the bottom of 朝..另一段看 look across the other side 消失在远处 disappear into distance 太…而不能 too… to.. 云散了 the clouds cleared Writing: 泰山被联合国教科文组织评为世界自然文化遗产。假设你的美国朋友准备去旅游,请结合以下要点向你的朋友简单介绍一下泰山。 1、泰山位于山东中部,是中国著名的旅游胜地。每年有大批中外游客去旅游观光。 2、从市中心出发坐汽车大约2个小时,也可以坐火车。 3、秋天是爬山的最佳时间,登山可观看日出。 写作小tips: 1、开篇点题:介绍泰山的特点、地理位置及参观的人众多等。 famous, in the middle of, thousands of visitors 2、展开表述:说明去泰山的方式、参观的最佳时间及景色等。 take two hours,by bus, autumn, the beautiful sunrise 3、结尾处评价:泰山是自然界的一个奇迹。 a wonderful natural wonder, enjoy yourself 参考范文 Mount Tai is one of the most famous mountains in China.It is in the middle of Shandong Province.Every year thousands of visitors from all over the world visit here. It’s not far from where I live.It takes you about two hours to get there from the centre of the city by bus.You can also go there by train.Autumn is the best season to climb Mount Tai because it’s not hot or cold.On the top of the mountain,you can enjoy the beautiful sunrise. Mount Tai is really a wonder of the natural world.You can enjoy yourself here. * Module1 Wonders of the world America 美国 Unit 2 The Grand Canyon was not just big Activity 1. Work in pairs. Talk about a natural wonder you know. Use the words in the box to help you. below deep fantastic high long natural shine sign silent silver zebra It is 8,844m, so it is very high/tall. Mt. Qomolangma ?[nip?:l] between Nepal and China It is a natural wonder. 珠穆朗玛峰 It is a natural wonder. It is 6, 397kms long, 2 kms wide and 150ms deep. China the Changjiang River 长江 中国 It is 4, 280m deep. It is 19, 900kms wide. The pacific Ocean It is a natural wonder. 太平洋 Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑布 It is 51m high. It is a natural wonder. It’s fantastic. between Canad


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