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1 Chapter 9 Intruders and Viruses 稳辙枷奥瘟惨赵亏返鳞疯困遭馏煞孤愈稿洗笨届贝岩汤材沾袒恰绑哇箔桃计算机安全PPT19计算机安全PPT19 2 Outline Intruders Intrusion Techniques Password Protection Password Selection Strategies Intrusion Detection Viruses and Related Threats Malicious Programs The Nature of Viruses Antivirus Approaches Advanced Antivirus Techniques Recommended Reading and WEB Sites 淬升嫁迭番幻檀古砖泻护授镜迢氯捍葱船渝扒裹白暗混闪甥绞恭玻瑟斩蔫计算机安全PPT19计算机安全PPT19 3 Intruders Three classes of intruders (hackers or crackers): Masquerader Misfeasor Clandestine user 薛捍船酶称本哀犬征含辖舆氦豺出芒潞往炸搜遗峪厉饼劳丁峙籽焚咋槽栋计算机安全PPT19计算机安全PPT19 4 Intrusion Techniques System maintain a file that associates a password with each authorized user. Password file can be protected with: One-way encryption Access Control 寓溢竭格歌号历毫拽论臀波徊卫弟炼逛捌步社壕铣簇吹截昌队辽株庐域特计算机安全PPT19计算机安全PPT19 5 Intrusion Techniques Techniques for guessing passwords: Try default passwords. Try all short words, 1 to 3 characters long. Try all the words in an electronic dictionary(60,000). Collect information about the user’s hobbies, family names, birthday, etc. Try user’s phone number, social security number, street address, etc. Try all license plate numbers (MUP103). Use a Trojan horse Tap the line between a remote user and the host system. Prevention: Enforce good password selection (Ij4Gf4Se%f#) 讥躲振烩零饺舔肘苍籽铺测回良严亚炔莹寥幌寄扑贰桐虚陈野瘪咨懒俐银计算机安全PPT19计算机安全PPT19 6 UNIX Password Scheme Loading a new password 淫醒罪恨合共淤幕衣搂老攀叮滁佐尘能欠返殆娜衬责峙窄忙烹拿滥禁匣世计算机安全PPT19计算机安全PPT19 7 UNIX Password Scheme Verifying a password file 励使昂齿阂掐腊目层彬立襄刀鸯耶抖舞铸封苦别小剐址遥莹弘忧跌店粱潍计算机安全PPT19计算机安全PPT19 8 Storing UNIX Passwords UNIX passwords were kept in in a publicly readable file, etc/passwords. Now they are kept in a “shadow” directory and only visible by “root”. 纠馆敢的铰匈戈蜜嘿震酣贮釉压曝硅测肾豢崩友汪只访裂念进液靖芜梭绣计算机安全PPT19计算机安全PPT19 9 ”Salt” The salt serves three purposes: Prevents duplicate passwords. Effectively increases the length of the password. Prevents the use of hardware implementations of DES 处叛地靳琴宙建百就啸踩喇衙扭坡伞挞析袜桂纷规脂蘸拱嫉茶殊善碎苯康计算机安全PPT19计算机安全PPT19 10 Pas


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