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* Unit 3 Topic 2 What does your mother do? Section B 授课人:刘凤尧 Nov.23, 2013 show /??u/ work /w?:k/ hospital /’h?spit?l/ restaurant /’rest?r?nt/ on / ɑ:n / farm /fɑ:m/ teach /ti:t?/ act /?kt/ First, let’learn the new words(5minutes). 2. Review last lesson. Can you tell me your parents’ jobs ? (3minutes) T: What does your father do? S1: He is a farmer. S2: He is a worker. S3 : He is a boss. T: What does your mother do? S1: She is a farmer. S2: She is a worker, too. S3: She is a worker. (Maria shows a photo of her family to Kangkang) Kangkang: Maria, what does your mother do? Maria: She is a nurse. Kangkang: Where does she work? Maria: She works in a hospital. Kangkang: And what does your father do? Maria: It is a cook. Kangkang: Where does he work? Maria: He works in a restaurant. 温馨提示:What 用来对职业或工作画线部分提问; where用来对地点名称画线部分提问。 doctor nurse farmer office cook restaurant farm hospital 1b.Listen to 1a and match the pictures with Maria’ s parents’ jobs and workplaces. Words .(2 minutes). Where does she work? What does she do? She works in a school. She is a teacher. a teacher/ in a school Where do they work? What do they do? They work on a farm. They are farmers. farmers/on a farm Where do they work? What do they do? They work in an office. They are office workers. Office workers/in an office 2. Make new words by adding -er/or at the end of the root words. Then complete the following sentences with the correct forms. eg: My father works on a farm. He is a farmer. 1. She teaches English in a school. She is a_______ . 2.The boy acts in Harry Potter. He is an _________. 3. He drives a bus. He is a _________. 4. Her mother works in an office, She is an office____________. teacher. actor driver workers 3. Listen and match the people’s names with the cities. Then listen again and write down their jobs. Fuzhou Shenzhen Nanjing Beijing David Lisa Paul Danny ________ ________ ________ ________ teacher doctor nur


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