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B1 适 应;野生放养;B1 ADAPTATION;适 应;基因工程操作流程;Any heritable trait possessed by an organism which aids survival or reproduction is an adaptation. Such traits may be physiological, morphological or behavioral. Adaptation is the result of natural selection.;B2 应付环境变异;植物的光合作用;Key Notes;环境变异;月色;神经细胞;Most organisms have to cope with a continually changing external environment over a range of timescales. Some environmental factors may change over seconds or minutes (e.g. sunlight intensity when .there is patchy cloud) whilst others may change daily or seasonally or over a much change daily or seasonally or over a much longer period (e.g. glaciation cycles).;稳 态;内环境的稳态;The maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment by an organism in a variable external environment is called homeostasis, All organisms adopt a degree of homeostatic control, but, as t rule, large organisms are more decoupled from their external environment than small ones.;耐 受 性;人类起源的特殊环境条件;Organisms can cope with variation in their external environment (though different species may differ markedly). The upper and lower extremes of species limits of tolerance. Usually, growth will not occur at these extremes but in a narrower range of conditions, and fitness will be greatest only for a yet narrower optimal range.;B3 生 态 位;沟谷雨林是鼷鹿的栖息地 ;幽静的环境 ;The ecological niche of an organism is the position it fills in its environment, comprising the conditions under which it is found, the resources it utilizes and the time it occurs there.;基础生态位;The niche space an organism can fill in the absence of competition or predation is known as the fundamental niche.


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