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英语词汇记忆讲座;;概述;;从概貌着眼; 词汇量:3500多单词 300短语 四会词语:2000多单词 ;;动词时态语态;情态动词和虚拟语气;;9.非谓语动词;准确理解语意捕捉关键词 结合基础知识解题;语法一致 原则; 强调句句型 (重难点) ;名词性从句;主从复合句;为了党和人民,大家要把英语学好!这是命令!;现在我说说学习英语词汇的重要性;英语词汇学习的重要性;;巧记lie和lay的歌诀:;some与time组成的复合词的记忆:;?long?before?和before?long;out?of?question与out?of?the?question;ie与ei巧记歌;分解记忆 ;词形比较记忆;词义比较记忆;可由able记忆的新词;由present 想起的;receive 和accept都可以表示“接受”;【拼写检测】:ei 或 ei;是ceed还是cede?;;act 小节;归纳记忆;advise, persuade均表示“劝告”;与agree有关的词汇;alive 、live、living的区别;归纳总结;归纳“三军”;“side”总结;由词根 [audi-] ??“listen” [spect-]=“look” 记忆 “ 观众”;“wait”的 总结;归纳记忆“学位”;归纳记忆;;“牛”的家族;[s]与[z]的区分;A Good Cleaning大扫除;旅社、饭店等的“顾客”称为guest; 商店的“顾客”称为customer; 银行、律师事务所的“顾客”称为client; visitor是“访客”;passenger是“乘客”。;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;辩异;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;一、派生法(Derivation) ; Is it difficult for you to get up in the morning? Do you sometimes oversleep?; He enlarged his vocabulary by reading widely.;Some important suffixes: ;;二、合成法(Compounding); For them, playing well and winning are often life-and-death affairs.; Down-to-earth spirit is a necessity. Sharp words from a teacher can usually bring a day-dreaming student down-to-earth.;三、转化法( Conversion ) ;; Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.;四、缩略法( Abbreviation ) ;1…It would be easy for someone to mispresent himself on line because you can’t see him. Thus someone who says that “she is a 12-year-old girl.”could really be an old man.;2….The computer also counts the loads and gives a signal by phone when the box is full. And a special piece of equipment breaks up the nonrecyclables.;3…. Another myth about eyes is that they can be transplanted. It is quite difficult to connect an eyeball to a new brain…;4….My teenage son Karl became withdrawn after his father died. As a single parent, I tried to do my best to talk to him, but the more I tried, the more he pulled away.(2004 NMET);英语构词法;英语构词法主要有三种: 转化、合成与派生。 ;1. 转化 : 是指有一种词类转化为另一种词类。 ;


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