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小学生英语语法;关于英语字母书写的注意事项;关于英语字母书写的注意事项;关于英语字母书写的注意事项;1.什么是冠词?;不定冠词a,an没有特指作用,通常泛指同类事物中的某一个(位、枝、块、片……)。 ;2.1不定冠词的主要用法;2.1不定冠词的主要用法;定冠词the通常对所修饰的名词有指定作用,表示“这个”、那个、这些、那些“。 ★3.1 定冠词的主要用法 ①用于特定的人或物面前。 The girl in red is my sister. 穿红衣服的女孩是我姐姐 The ruler on the box is mine. 盒子上的尺子是我的。 ;②用于上文提到过的人或事 I have a book. The book is on the desk. Tom saw a film last night. The film is about animals. ③用于世上独一无二的事物前。 The sun is bigger than the moon. A bird is flying high in the sky. ④用在形容词前,表示一类人。 The young should respect the old. 年轻人应该尊重老人。 We should help the blind. 我们应该帮助盲人。;⑤用在序数词、形容词最高级级形容词only、very、same等词前面。 May is the fifth month. Mary is the youngest teacher in our school. I have the same idea. ⑥用在某些由普通名词构成的国家,单位,机关团体,阶级等专有名词前。 the People’s Republic of china 中华人民共和国 The United States 美国;一周英语巧记法;⑦用在表示乐器的名词前面 She can play the piano.她会弹钢琴 Tony is good at playing the violin. 托尼擅长拉小提琴 ⑧用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人 The Whites are visiting Beijing. 怀特一家正在北京游览 The Smiths are watching a football game. 史密斯一家在看足球比赛 ;4.不用冠词的情况;4.不用冠词的情况;4.不用冠词的情况;My name is ___ Michael. I’m in ___Grade Three this term. My mother is ___doctor and my father is ___actor . Today is___ Saturday. Now , my father is talking on ____ phone. My mother is having___ breakfast , My grandmother is watering ____flowers in ___ garden and I’m watching ____ TV. Look ! This is my zone. There is ____umbrella in my bedroom . I like ___ umbrella very much because I bought it in ___ Paris . There are all my presents . My father buys me a lot of presents every year from all over the world. ;My name is ___ Michael. I’m in ___Grade Three this term. My mother is ___doctor and my father is ___actor . Today is___ Saturday. Now , my father is talking on ____ phone. My mother is having___ breakfast , My grandmother is watering ____flowers in ___ garden and I’m watching ____ TV. Look ! This is my zone. There is ____umbrella in my bedroom . I like ___ umbrella very much because I bought it in ___ Paris . There are all my presents . My father buys me


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