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复读中心2013届英语一轮复习语法专题学案 一 强调与倒装句型预习案 I. 导引 1.大家什么时候会用强调句? 2. 强调句的基本构成和分析 3. 大家什么时候会用倒转句? 4.正装句”--句子的成分顺序 5. 什么是句子的倒装? 6. 为什么要倒装? 7. 倒装的常见“条件”。与情况 II. Self-examination“ 1. I met Tom in the street yesterday. 试着针对各个划线部分变强调句: 1). 2). 3). 4). 2.试着将下列句子改写成倒装句1)we can only improve our financial situation in this way. 2)I will not lend you a penny. 3)I have never heard of such a big lie! 另外自己试着用一些倒装句表达自己的生活! My puzzles? 对于倒装和强调你有哪些疑问和困惑呢?可先写在这里,以备讨论和提问。 二 强调与倒装句型导学案 I. 改写句子 1. I realized the importance of love only then. 2. He rarely watched midnight TV programs. 3. A Party member should put his personal interest first at no time. 4. I am so tired that I don’t want to say something. 5. Though he is a child, he is very helpful. (as) 6. If I had listened to their advice , I would have already got what I want. 7. Your letter is here. 8. Your turn comes now 9. A cat rushed out from under the table. 10. He came in. 11.A small boy ,who was making a kite ,sat in front of the house. 12.His wife, who was beautifully dressed ,was besides him. 13.熟读并翻译下列句子 1)It was Tom that I met in the street yesterday 2) Was it Tom that I met in the street yesterday? 3)Who was it that I met in the street yesterday? 4)I forgot who it was that I met in the street yesterday 分析、归纳与总结 什么叫倒装,倒装的种类? 倒装的条件,常见倒装词汇有哪些? 充分感受 it is/was …that 巩固与运用 1.整理笔记并模仿上述句子 2.练习 翻译下列句子: 1)It is in the hotel where he stayed. 2)It is in the hotel that he stayed. 3)It is in the hotel where he stayed that he told us how he escaped from the enemy. 4)Can you tell me what it was he said after he got the first prize? 3. 完成句子并说出规则 1.?????? Only ______ this way _______ you study English well. 2.?????? Only after he _______ finished his homework ______ he allowed(被允许) to watch TV. 3.?????? I am kind. _______ (也) are you. 4


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