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Section Ⅱ Warming Up Reading-Language Points;;①The bus was late because of the heavy snow. 因为大雪公交车晚点了。 ②He became very angry because of what you said just now.因为你刚才说的话他非常生气。;[易混辨析] because of/because;③The sports meet had to be put off because of the heavy rain. =The sports meet had to be put off because it rained heavily. 由于下大雨,运动会不得不延期举行。;2.come up 走近;上来;提出;破土而出;发芽 (教材原句)I’d like to ____________to your apartment. 我很乐意到你的公寓去。 ①The plan came up at the meeting yesterday. 在昨天的会上计划被提了出来。 ②The grass is just beginning to come up. 草刚刚开始长出来。;归纳拓展 ③He has come up with a good way to solve the problem. 他已想出一个解决这个问题的好办法。;巧学活用 1-1用because of/because填空 (1)I decided to go with them,mainly ________________ I had nothing better to do. (2)I would like to work in the company ______________ the good working conditions. (3)He didn’t come to the party ________________ he was not invited.;1-2单项填空 Some people do not have enough to eat while some others throw away food just ________ its poor taste. A.because of    B.according to C.next to D.instead of 解析:选A。句意:有些人吃不饱,而有些人仅仅因为味道不好就把食物扔掉。because of是短语介词,意思是“因为”,符合题意。according to根据;next to接近;instead of而不是。;2-1完成句子 当我们正在谈话时,一个人走到我面前问我去车站的路。 While we were talking,a man ____________________ and asked the way to the station. ;2-2句型转换 Many questions about how to learn English were asked at the meeting. →Many questions about how to learn English ________________ at the meeting.;2-3单项填空 —Have you ________ some new ideas? —Yeah.I’ll tell you later. A.come about     B.come into C.come up with D.come out 解析:选C。句意:“——你想出什么新主意了吗?”“——是的,我等会儿告诉你。” come up with“提出,想出”,符合题意。come about“发生,产生”;come into“进入”;come out“发表,公布”。;3.actually adv.实际上;事实上 (教材原句)__________ all languages change and develop when cultures meet and communicate with each other. 事实上,当不同文化互相交流渗透时,所有的语言都会有所变化、有所发展的。;①He looked calm,but actually he was very nervous.他看起来很镇定,但实际上却非常紧张。 ②She says it’s a good film,though she hasn’t actually seen it. 她说这是部好电影,尽管实际


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