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内容;人教课标版 高一 必修 3 Unit 2;Extensive reading;Pre-reading;An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一个苹果,医生不来找。;New words and phrases:; limited: not very great in amount or extent 有限的 benefit: advantage that sth. gives you 优势, 益处 sigh: take a long deep breath叹气, 叹息 combine: join two or more things together to form a single one 组合, 联合 ;Fill in the blanks with these words. She rose, ______ at the rude waiter. His knowledge of history is rather ______. She ______ over her unhappy fate. The poor man had to ____________ by writing.; I’m ______ to him for all his assistance to me. That experience was of great ______ to me. They _________ their efforts to finish the work.;Prediction;Fast-reading;2. Yong Hui was very angry when she came to Wang Peng’s restaurant because ________. A. she thought he was a new customer B. she thought he had spied on her restaurant C. she was told he was a spy D. he was too fat;3. Wang Peng’s research showed __________. A. his menu was balanced B. both menus were balanced C. Yong Hui’s menu was balanced D. neither menu was balanced;4. He suggested they provide a combined menu because ______. A. he liked Yong Hui B. he didn’t want to lose his customers C. he thought his menu was better D. this would provide a balanced diet;内容; Wang Peng can earn his living now, but he will be in debt. 2. Yonghui thought Wang Peng spied on her menu. 3. Yonghui didn’t like the food in Wang Peng’s restaurant. 4. Wang Peng would miss his dumplings and fatty pork even if in his own restaurant.;Post reading;2. What did they find after their chat?;;4. How did they combine their menus and provide a balanced menu?;5. Why was their cooperation a success?;What can we learn from the passage?;1. He smiled as he welcomed some customers warmly at the door but the smile left his face when he saw Yong Hui walking in. ;[点拔]这是由but连接的两个并列句, 两个分句又都是主从复合句。主句分别为He smiled和the smile left his face;从句分别为as和w


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